Career Development Program

Digital Film Production

Let's make movies! In this course, students will learn to produce Music Videos, Action Sports Videos, Special Effect Features and Short Films. Using the latest in digital editing and special effects technology students will create television quality productions, Podcasts, Vodcasts and DVD's. Filming at a variety of locations, students will learn digital cinematography techniques, learn to use special effects, audio enhancement, and animation to create digital art.

Site: Rosemount High School

Career Development Program
Animal Care: Introduction to Animal Science
Animal Care: Zoos and Aquariums
Aviation and Ground School
Cartooning and Animation
Computer Hardware, Software and Game Design
Computer Networking Technology: CISCO
Construction Technology
Digital Film Production
Digital Film Production (Advanced)
Emergency Services
Forensic Science
Health Care
Hospitality Management
Mentor Field Experience
Mentor Seminar
Music Recording and Performance
Vehicle Services