Career Development Program

Construction Technology

This program is designed to allow students to experience different areas of the construction trade, including building a stick frame house with a 28' x 46' (1288 sq ft.) footprint. The house is built on the AVHS campus and is sold upon completion. Students will progress through a practical application experience of construction technology, and studying and applying the many aspects and principles of light frame construction. Experiences include, but are not limited to, site selection and layout, site clearing, foundations, framing, insulation, sheathing, roofing, windows and doors, stair construction, linoleum and carpet laying, exterior and interior finishing, and the study of construction systems. Students will apply core academic skills and career specific technical skills required for carpentry, electrical wiring, plumbing, blueprint reading, estimating, cost analysis, painting, and masonry. This class may be taken for two years for credit, thus providing an opportunity for each student to take part in all aspects of residential house construction from start to finish.

Site: Apple Valley High School

Career Development Program
Animal Care: Introduction to Animal Science
Animal Care: Zoos and Aquariums
Aviation and Ground School
Cartooning and Animation
Computer Hardware, Software and Game Design
Computer Networking Technology: CISCO
Construction Technology
Digital Film Production
Digital Film Production (Advanced)
Emergency Services
Forensic Science
Health Care
Hospitality Management
Mentor Field Experience
Mentor Seminar
Music Recording and Performance
Vehicle Services