Elementary School Curriculum

District 196 offers students a comprehensive educational program, with high academic standards and expectations. The districtwide elementary school curriculum, described by subject and grade level on the following pages, ensures students in kindergarten-grade five will meet the same basic learning goals at each of the district's 18 elementary schools.

The elementary school curriculum focuses on basic concepts in all major subjects, including the following:

  • Art;
  • Guidance;
  • Health;
  • Language arts (reading, writing, listening, speaking, spelling, handwriting);
  • Mathematics;
  • Music;
  • Physical education;
  • Science, and
  • Social studies.

Elementary schools employ instructional specialists to work with students in the areas of music, physical education, media/library and art.

Learning opportunities in the elementary schools also include the following:

  • Computer and technology education that focuses on integrating educational technologies (such as computer software, CD-ROM and telecommunications) into all areas of the curriculum. The intent is for technology to become part of daily instruction, and for students to develop skills in word processing, database, telecommunications, desktop publishing, graphics and multimedia.
  • An Enhanced Learning Program that combines critical and creative thinking skills with regular classroom activities for gifted and talented students. Teachers modify curriculum to meet the needs of advanced learners.
  • Basic skills programs, which provide tutoring for students who have difficulty with language, reading and/or math. Specific programs, which vary from school to school, include Reading Recovery, Assurance of Mastery, Basic Skills and Title I.
  • Chemical abuse prevention programs that help students, in partnership with parents and the community, develop the capacity to make informed decisions about important factors in their lives, including the use of chemicals. Elementary students participate in the D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) program. Other knowledge and skills related to drug prevention are taught through our elementary curriculum in health (drug information and decision-making) and guidance (personal and social development). Students also have the opportunity to take part in parent and family prevention classes, peer programs and early intervention programs. Our district supports local healthy communities initiatives aimed at enhancing developmental assets for our youth.
  • Enrichment programs (such as Quest and Project Explore) offer students in grades 1-5 courses during the school day to support basic skills or expand learning in areas of interest. The availability of these programs varies from school to school.


Elementary Curriculum
K-5 by Subject
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Elementary Reporting