HTML Tutorials > Day One > Page 3

The FONT Tag

The font tag allows you to change different attributes of your font on the page within certain limits. You should be aware, for instance, that if you choose to change the font type of the text on your page, it should be a fairly standard font that is on most systems like Times New Roman, Verdana, Arial, or Tahoma. This tag attribute of changing the font is called face. If the font is not on the system that is viewing the web page, it will display a default font which is not always the desired effect you want as a designer. Another common attribute of the font tag is size. You can set the size to increment based on what you set it to (it will add "x" number to whatever its font size was before) or you can set the size to a static amount. Don't forget: the <font> tag must always be closed with a </font> as well. Here's some examples:

Code Example:

<p><font face="Times New Roman">This is Times New Roman font.</font></p>

<p><font face="Tahoma">This is Tahoma font.</font></p>

<p><font face="Verdana">This is Verdana font.</font></p>

<p><font face="Arial">This is Arial font.</font></p>

<p><font size="+2">This is font two sizes up from what it was at.</font></p>

<p><font size="2">This is font size set at 2.</font></p>

<p align="center"><font size="+2" face="Times New Roman">This is font that is centered, two sizes up, and Times New Roman.</font></p>

Code Display:

This is Times New Roman font.

This is Tahoma font.

This is Verdana font.

This is Arial font.

This is font two sizes up from what it was at.

This is font size set at 2.

This is font that is centered, two sizes up, and Times New Roman.


That's quite a bit to handle for new knowledge in one day. The next day's HTML tutorial will teach how to make hypertext links and images. We will go over many of their attributes as well.

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This web page created, developed, and maintained by Kyle Spahn and Mr. Krebs.