Introduction to Business

Student Learnings: What students should know and be able to do

  • Explain the difference between goods and services. 
  • State the six steps in the decision making process.
  • Describe the three basic types of economic systems. 
  • Describe the four phases of the business cycle. 
  • Describe seven kinds of activities performed by business.
  • State the advantages and disadvantages of the three major types of business ownership. 
  • Explain what is meant by the social responsibility of business.
  • Explain the seven consumer rights. 
  • Identify three types of consumer organizations
  • Discuss the importance of technology in a business.
  • Explain the role of citizens in our economy.
  • Identify Career Options



Business and Marketing
Advanced Accounting
Business Management
Business and Marketing Seminar and Internship
Business and Personal Law
Computer Applications/Computers in Business
Fashion Merchandising
International Business
Introduction to Business
Personal Money Management
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Typewriting/ Keyboarding