Business and Personal Law

Student Learnings: What students should know and be able to do
  • Students will be able to understand the role of law in daily life.
  • Students will discuss and be able to describe the laws that affect juveniles, and their rights and responsibilities as citizens.
  • Students will be able to explain the legal process
  • Students will be able to describe the court systems
  • Students will understand and discuss the legal aspects of landlord tenant laws
  • Students will understand the legal steps involved in organizing a business
  • Students will identify career opportunities
  • Identify consequences of illegal and unethical conduct
  • Analyze the elements required to create a contract
  • Demonstrate an understanding of employer employee relationships
  • Analyze the personal property and real property laws


Business and Marketing
Advanced Accounting
Business Management
Business and Marketing Seminar and Internship
Business and Personal Law
Computer Applications/Computers in Business
Fashion Merchandising
International Business
Introduction to Business
Personal Money Management
Sports and Entertainment Marketing
Typewriting/ Keyboarding