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Main > All About Mr. Krebs


This is the page all about my teacher in Multimedia Class, Mr. Krebs. He is an odd individual who often likes to tell the stories of his high school and college years. A "best of" list of his stories may include the time he got on top of the Burnsville Center or his run in with Gunner from Gunner's Knives in Detroit Lakes. If you should ever see the man pictured above (on the left), exercise extreme caution as he probably will not be wearing shoes... and it may stink!! As a resource, I shall also show your Mr. Krebs' greatest enemy, Mr. Fornicoia (who is pictured on the right). Krebs and Fornicoia often are entangled in insult wars in which Krebs usually wins. It is unsure why Krebs always wins, but for some reason he just does. I hope this has been informing.