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In the first quarter of this year, we worked with Adobe Photoshop 4.0. Photoshop is a program that is used for digital image creation and allows for a lot of creativity. One thing that is pretty unique about Photoshop is the use of layers, meaning you can work on different parts of the image without affecting other parts at the same time. Before multimedia class, I had some previous experience with Photoshop, but it definitely improved on my skill in the program. After looking back at what I've done, I'm proud of some of my projects (specifically Group Photo and Final Projects), and not so proud of some of the others (namely Self Portrait and Copy of a Masterpiece). If you're interested, you can even learn specifically how I made each project as you go to their individual pages. It doesn't quite serve as a tutorial, but it gives a general idea on some of the creation methods I used.

Click the links on the left menu to view my projects. Enjoy the look in on my work in Photoshop!