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This web page is a working example of what we're doing this quarter (quarter 4). This particular web site, I made the design using many techniques in Photoshop. Most of my classmates used Microsoft Frontpage 2000 to actually make it in to a web page, but I decided to code my web page using ASP and HTML. Each page on this web site passes a PageHeader and Category variable to files that are called "includes". When these files are included, the parsed variables make different changes to the page, such as the menus and the title bar on your browser. I thought this would be a neat way too add little things that make a difference to the overall effect of the page. On the "Making Of" page, you can view the code of the very page you're seeing right now, and how simple it looks to do. On the "Original" page, you can view an image of what the design originally looked like in Photoshop.