Middle School Instrumental Music (Grade 8)

Student Learnings: What students should know and be able to do

Performance Skill

  • Increase playing range with attention to proper tonal concepts.
  • Refine and apply vibrato (flute and saxophone).
  • Understand tone color shading.
  • Refine pitch discrimination to adjust intonation in an ensemble.

Reading Skills and Practice Habits

  • Develop internal sense of pulse.
  • Correctly name, finger and tap notes, locate bell notes in rhythm while tapping the foot.


  • Demonstrate a four mallet roll.


  • Student will execute written musical direction.
  • Execute advanced PAS rudiments.
  • Execute multiple bounce rolls.


  • Accurately play accent patterns with appropriate stick heights.
  • Know the fundamental ranges of the timpani.


  • Accomplish basic tuning changes on timpani.
  • Play concert Db Major accurately.
  • Recognize minor and blues scale.
  • Be able to improvise.
  • Identify the style of literature performed (jazz, non-traditional, contemporary.)

Key Signatures

  • Understand and demonstrate knowledge of key signatures.
Performing Arts
Middle School Courses
6th Grade Instrumental Music
6th Grade Vocal Music
7th Grade Instrumental Music
7th Grade Vocal Music
8th Grade Instrumental Music
8th Grade Vocal Music
High School Courses
Instrumental Music
Technical Theater and Theater Production
Vocal Music