
Student Learnings: What students should know and be able to do 

  • The student will demonstrate an understanding of various decision making methods with comparative shopping techniques (legal, financial responsibilities), recognize common consumer scams and effectively handle consumer complaints.
  • The student will demonstrate an understanding of Financial services to include: ATM’s, Savings Accounts, Checking Accounts, Loans, Investments.
  • The student will become knowledgeable of and demonstrate an understanding of what credit is and of the rights and responsibilities of using credit.
  • The student will demonstrate an understanding of the processes and components for establishing and maintaining a personal budget to include financial goals and financial planning.
  • The student will become knowledgeable of various legal and financial responsibilities of various insurance products: Auto, home/renters, health, life, liability, umbrellas.
  • The student will become knowledgeable of the legal aspects of consumer protection laws associated with: contracts, product liability, warrants.
  • The student will demonstrate an understanding of various payroll deductions to include but not limited to: FICA, Federal Tax, State Tax, Medicare, and Flexible deductions (Life/Health/Dental Insurance, Union dues, United Way donations), Gross pay to Net pay.
  • The student will demonstrate an understanding of fringe benefits, packages offered by employers, to include but not limited to: Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Retirement Plans, Vacations, Dental Insurance, Tuition Reimbursement.
  • The student will demonstrate an understanding of taxpayers’ responsibilities, expenditures of tax dollars and complete Federal and State income tax forms to include W-4, W-2, and State and Federal income tax returns.


Work Experience
Career Exploration
Employee Protection
Goal Setting and Time Management
Human Relations
Job Keeping
Job Seeking
Lifestyle Issues
Program Orientation