In Quarter 2 we learned how to use Adobe Premiere. At first this program was very intimidating to me. At least with Photoshop I had seen it before; this was completely new to me! However, we spent about two weeks learning the program and all it could do and after learning it, it soon came to become one of my favorite programs.

Premiere is the most adaptable movie-editing tool on the market today. With it you can work more productively with Real-Time Preview and can take advantage of the sophisticated new powerful audio tools and more to create extraordinary videos.


Adobe Premiere

In Quarter 2 we created two projects:

Public Service Announcement

Video Poetry

Before we could do any project though, we had to go through the pre-production stage. This involved writing a treatment and a script. A treatment is about a page description of what your plans are for the video.



You do this so you can start getting a rough idea about what you what to do in your video. This helps you to know what kind of clips and audio to start looking for. After you have written your treatment, you write a script. A script is a detailed list of every shot and audio that goes with it. It can either be written out or drawn out in a story board. A script is important because it goes step by step through your video detailing every shot. Terms like extreme far shot, medium shot, close up, and extreme close up are used to detail what your video will look like. After you are done with the pre-production stages, you can begin to film and edit your video.