In Quarter 3 we learned how to create a 3D project in 3D Studio Viz. This program was even more intimidating than Premiere! 3D Studio Viz gives someone the ability to create a 3D project out of geometric shapes using the different modifiers and materials in the program.

It also allows someone the ability to animate their 3D creation either moving it in different positions or by moving a camera around it. Viz is a smaller version of 3D Studio Max. Movies like Ice Age and Toy Story were created in programs similar to Viz and Max.


3D Studio Viz


In Quarter 3 we created one project:

3D Animation

We spent about two weeks learning the software and then had the rest of the quarter to make any 3D animation we wanted. We could do one big project, or many small ones. I chose to do one big project.



Although in the end this was my least favorite quarter, I did enjoy getting the experience in learning a program that is similar to the ones used in movies such as Ice Age and Toy Story.