Photoshop : I took MultiMedia A first quarter junior year. It focuses on learning to use and design in Photoshop.

Project 1


For project 1 we had to make a collage of pictures that represented something about ourselves. I took an old fashioned diary and used it as the background of my project to represent my avid love of reading and history and then layered it with faded pictures, melted flowers, and glowing objects that represented my other interests: traveling, fashion, nature, etc. I used a lot of layers and filters to achieve this effect.

Project 2

project barum

For project 2 we had to create an advertisement based on the styles and techniques of ads during certain periods of history. I chose the late 1800's circus ads. Because during that time period colored advertisments and exciting events weren't very common, circus events, with their bright and appealing ads, were greatly anticipated. I used plain typography, posterization effects, and blending techniques to immitate other posters of the time period. The yellow and red coloring was very common at the time and I strove to attain the proper tones.

Project 3

original project

For Project 3 we had to take a photo and replace someone in it with ourselves. I decided to take a photo of the main characters of the Vampire Diaries and replace the girl, Nina Dobrev, who some claim I resemble, with myself. The process involved first taking her out of the picture with the selection tools, then placing myself into the picture, and altering the tones of my hair, and clothes to resemble hers. I also had to clone parts of the tree behind her because I decided to delete his hand out of the picture and wanted to replace it with more bark. Scroll over to see!

Project 4

project 4

The fourth and final project was something of our own creation. My inspiration was the fairy tale stories my parents had read to me as a child. To achieve the fairy tale effect I took a picture of myself and tried to make it resemble a painting with a lot of artistic effects. I melted the bottom of my dress and altered the texture and color as well. For my surroundings I used filters that added more texture and glow. Lastly, I created the monster in the corner with melting techniques.