Debate: Eastview participates in 2 main debate types with occasional participants in other types.


A longer version of debate created to avoid short bickering fests and delve deeper into a topic.  It emphasizes logic and real world discussion. It lasts a full hour and gives longer preparation periods for both sides. Speeches last from 4-7 minutes depending on speaking order and side. Teams prepare cases and research for both the affirmative and negative sides of the topic and then later debate both sides in different rounds.


Public Forum

Public Forum is a shorter big picture focused debate style. It involves more interaction with the opposing team in Cross Fires and lasts a mere 30 minutes. Partners are given a total of 2 minutes prep throughout. It was created for the general public so it was meant to have an average person as a judge. Debaters prepare for both the pro and the con and then debate both sides in different tournament rounds.



Students emulate US congress people by debating bills and resolutions. Before the event, each school submits 'legislation' to each tournament. Each team is then given the compiled legislation and must attempt to research as much of the material as possible, with the goal of being able to speak on both sides of every bill. Bills are debated through a series of 3 minute speeches.



Lincoln Douglas

A one on one event focusing mainly on applying philosophical ideas to real world issues. Based on values, it requires much reasoning. Speeches last from 3 to 7 minutes. At Eastview once in a while debaters with a strong record and high competence attempt this style.