Keyboarding: I took keyboarding A, B, and C freshmen year. They focus on using different programs for the presentation and distribution of information.

Quarter 1: The class focused on increasing the speed of your word processing and using word to format letters, memos, and other formal messages.

Ex. Memo: This is a sample memo like ones we were asked to type.


Quarter 2: The class focused on using Word, Powerpoint, Photoshop, and Indesign to create professional presentations and documents including brochures, business cards, flyers, invitations, and newsletters.

Ex. Brochure- This is an example of one of the brochures we created. It advertises the Eastview Business Department by describing many of the positive aspects of taking classes.


Ex. Newsletter- This was a newsletter to advertise a company I had created. It was created in word and utilized the different features we had been taught.



Quarter 3: This quarter keyboarding focuses on learnigng to us Microsoft Excel and Access in order to record and analzye data.

Ex. Chart: This is an example chart like those made during quarter 3.