Middle School Language Arts (Grade 7)
Student Learnings:What students should know and be able to do
- Word Recognition, Analysis & Fluency
- The student will read with accuracy and fluency.
- Vocabulary Expansion
- The student will use a variety of strategies to expand reading, listening and speaking vocabularies.
- Comprehension
- The student will understand the meaning of texts, using a variety of strategies, and will demonstrate literal, interpretive, inferential and evaluative comprehension.
- Literature
- The student will actively engage in the reading process and read, understand, respond to, analyze, interpret, evaluate and appreciate a wide variety of fiction, poetic and nonfiction texts.
- Types of Writing
- The student will create informative, expressive and persuasive writing.
- Elements of Composition
- The student will engage in a writing process, with attention to context, organization, focus, quality of ideas and a purpose.
- Spelling, Grammar, and Usage
- The student will apply standard English conventions when writing. (Use of standard English conventions is necessary to help a writer convey meaning to the reader. Spelling, grammar, and usage may be taught as a separate unit as well as integrated into teaching writing processes.)
- Research
- The student will locate and use information in reference materials.
- Handwriting & Word Processing
- The student will write legibly and demonstrate effective keyboarding skills.
Speaking, Listening and Viewing
- Speaking and Listening
- The student will demonstrate understanding and communicate effectively through listening and speaking.
- Media Literacy
- The student will critically analyze information found in electronic and print media, and will use a variety of these sources to learn about a topic and represent ideas.
Artistic Interpretation
- Theater
- The student will understand and use the artistic process to analyze and interpret a variety of works.