Mary Hawes

I began my work at Eastview High School as a speech-language pathologist in January 2004 although I have been employed by District 196 since 1999. Speech-language services at EVHS are offered through a classroom service delivery model in which I serve as educator and through a pull-out model providing one-on-one or small group intervention. In the classroom model, the Communications Lab class, students earn an elective credit. The focus of this class is to improve communication through reading, writing,speaking, listening and thinking. Students whose primary disability is speech and language may also participate in Language Support class to work directly with their case manager for one class period a day.

Hour Class Name Location
1st Preparation  
2nd Speech/Language C333
3rd Acedemic Prep C333
4th Speech/Language C333
5th Acedemic Prep C333
6th Speech/Language C333
7th Speech/Language C333
Voice Mail: 651-683-6969 Box 3371

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