Multimedia Syllabus

Multimedia Productions:

Mr. Nick Fornicoia

Classroom: B128

Voice Mail: 431-8938

Office: TV Studio

Characteristics We Value in This Classroom:

- Respect. (Show respect for everyone and everything.)

- Integrity. (Be honest in everything that you do.)

- Work ethic. (Try your hardest. That’s all I ask.)

- Commitment. (Come to class on time ready to listen, work, and learn.)

- Fun. (It’s my job to make this class enjoyable. Learning is fun.)

Course Description:

You will be introduced to a number of multimedia applications that will focus on creative expression. First quarter will concentrate on Adobe PhotoShop, scanning and digital photography. Second quarter will focus on Adobe Premiere, digital video and audio, and video poetry. Third quarter will focus on 3D Studio Max, 3D Studio Vis and Adobe Premiere. Fourth quarter will incorporate all of the information from the first three quarters into a final project, and students are required to complete a portfolio on a personal web page and CD-ROM.


You will be graded on the following outcomes:

-Assignment Proficiency (75%):

-Completes tutorials and uses computer software correctly

-Completes projects on time in a professional manner

-Problem solves effectively

-Completes portfolio of assignments

Classroom Effort (25%):

-Uses class time effectively

-Works well with others

-Follows computer use guidelines and classroom expectations
-Arrives to class on time and ready to learn


Your grade will be determined by your total points divided by the points possible with the following percentages:


-94-100 A

-90-93 A-

-87-89 B+

-83-86 B

-80-82 B-

-77-79 C+

-73-76 C

-70-72 C-

-67-69 D+

-63-66 D

-60-62 D-


-59 F

How Do I Receive an A In This Class?

-Follow the expectations of the class:

-Come to class prepared every day on time. Respect everyone and everything in the classroom. Do the work and try your hardest. Be honest in everything you do. Get involved and have fun.

-If you meet all of these criteria, the rest will take care of itself.


You will turn in all of your work on time. No late work will be accepted. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed and turn it in on time. Follow the expectations of proper computer use and classroom expectations. Don’t bring any food or drink into the computer lab. Please take care of our computers. Always back up your files. Since we are using large amounts of memory for these assignments, it is crucial that you save often and use numerous back-ups. Keep final versions of all assignments for your final portfolio. Also keep all copies of written assignments, especially your project explanations because they will also be used in your final portfolio. Help each other problem solve and answer questions. Other students are your best resources in the classroom.