Quarter 4- Dreamweaver


The first thing I did was create my logo and backgrounds. I did it in Photoshop.


After that I added a menu bar. The menu bar had a lot of very sensitive options, making it a frustrating concept for me. I created it and linked everything in it and went on to the pages themselves.


Then I drew AP div. boxes. Inside I typed out any text needed.


Then I added the media using the insert tool. It was fairly easy to do so, however, making sure the names are all in check was kind of annoying.


All in all, this was a fairly boring project. I learned a little but didn't have as much fun as other quarters. The website was very frustrating at times and had me feeling stressed. I collaborated a lot with my friends to figure things out. Despite all the annoyence this project brought, I do feel I sense of satisfaction now that I am finished.