Photoshop - Quarter One

In quarter one we did photoshp projects. These are some of my final projects.

These are also my favorite projects.

ps final 1(1)

This one is called, "A New Touch to Old School". This one required a lot of hand done brushing and shading to give the energy ball it's look.

ps final 1(2)

This one is called, "Nuke In the Distance". I am a little sad that I couldn't find a good city background to use. It was a lot of filters and lens flares.

ps final 1(3)

This is my absolute favorite, made with no imported images. I ran into no frustrations creating it. The background was created by using a ton of gaussian blur.

It's titled, "Space".

jack kohaut create

Now this one was not made as a final project, but it's also one of my favorites. I gave it it's 80s movie poster look by fiddling with the contrast and brightness. The only problems I had with it was the 3D lettering.