Here are some examples of the work we've done in our quarter 1 class, "Photoshop".


For starters, I took an image of a tiger from the internet and copied the image into photoshop. I then inverted the colors on the image and altered the hue and satuaration. afterwards, I did some minor adjusting with the ability to change the levels of lighting and shading with a combination of the "levels" tool and the brush. To the left, I have my modified final product above of the original image.
My next project was to take an image of a person and insert text within the image. This was challenging in the fact that we needed to make the text mold itself to the details in the person, such as the structure of their faces, hair, and facial expression. For mine, I took a picture of Keiji Inafune, the creator of Capcom's Megaman (Rockman) franchise and founder of his own companies called Comcept and Intercept. I took a grayscale image and overlapped it with some quotes from an interview. Afterwards, I made some adjustments to the opacity and color of the text before having a colored gradient fill the image. I then added his name in the corner with a simple change in font and the text tool.
The image to the left was done when we were asked to follow a tuturial from a list of videos that the instructor offered to us. I chose to take some text and make it appear "Ghostly". Lacking anything fun or creative to write at the time, I simply typed the work "Ghotst" into a text box in photoshop and set the blending mode to "Subtract", then used the smudge tool to distort the letters slightly. I then placed them over a black background with a thick, dark blue line that was made with the brush tool on a large setting. After doing so, another layer was placed on the top and filled with the coud effect that can be made in the "Filter" tab toolbar.