Student Projects
Afghanistan |
Bangladesh |
Bhutan |
Cambodia |
India |
Laos |
Malaysia |
Mongolia |
Myanmar |
Nepal |
N. Korea |
Pakistan |
Philippines |
S. Korea |
Sri Lanka |
Taiwan |
Thailand |
Vietnam |
purpose of the Authorware/PowerPoint project is to give students in Asian
Studies a chance to:
Study a country not presented in
class (North Korea, South Korea, Taiwan, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos,
Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Myanmar, Bhutan, Nepal)
Use or learn technology skills
(log-in and save to computer lockers, use the internet and browser engines
as research tools, download and save information/graphics from the internet,
scan and save pictures, and create a finished product which can be published
on the internet.
PowerPoint/Authorware project should contain the following things:
A map of your country
A flag of your
Your country's
national anthem
A video representing
your country (optional)
Statistical information
about your country
Your country's
unique geography
Unique culture
Economics (GNP,
exports, imports)
Government, leader
of the country
Student choice
... what makes your country unique