The last two quarters of this year I have been taking Personal Money Management. Last quarter, the final project was a fairly realistic simulation of a budget we might have in about 10 years. We used excel to organize what we were spending and tried to get a sense of how much living expenses are.
I took a tech ed class called Power, Energy, and Transportation. I really enjoyed this class, and one of the projects that we did was to create a powerpoint about where the future of transportation and energy is going, and what kinds of effects these advances will have.
As a project for another class, I had to put together a presentation on the possiblilities for alternative fuels. I covered Ethanol, Methonol, and Electricity as options for an alternative car fuel.
As part of my Intro to Business class, we had to give a presentation on some corporation that has a impact on our lives. I chose to give me presentation on Google.
One of the year end projects in AP U.S. history was to make a magazine cover and give a short speech on someone who you thought was one of the most important people of the 1900's. I chose Douglas MacArthur and used the skills I learned in Multimedia A to create the magazine cover.

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