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Web Design

Err, the web design page. Instead of doing a 3D studio
project this quarter, we did the web design unit. Hence
the reason why I don't HAVE a 3D project on my page.
I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to put on this page
sooooo, I guess I'll breifly tell ya what I used to create
this thing. Yep.

We were encouraged to use the skill we learned from 1st
quarter to create graphics for out webpage. Yes, you guessed
it, all of this was done with Adobe Photoshop. Videos
are made with Adobe Premiere.

The page itself? The program we used was called
Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. Yeah, I know, at a
first glance, the whole creating a layout and stuff looks
complicated and most would ask how the heck I did it
but really, once you got one page done you just copy
and paste your layout, and make changes accordingly...
Besides, Dreamweaver does most of the coding for you.