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In quarter two, we used a high powered video editing software called Adobe Premiere. With it, we made two short films...

Film 1 - Public Service Announcement
Our first project was a public service announcement. We were asked to make a 30-second psa that sent a message of our choice. Mine was on teen suicide.

Watch my PSA!

Film 2 - Video Poetry
The second and last project of quarter 2 was called video poetry. The goal was to make a video of our choice, and include a poem of our choice that we were to read out loud during the video. The poem I chose was the song Paranoid Android by Radiohead. For music, I chose Butterflies and Hurricanes by Muse. For the video we needed to display our mastery of filters, transitions, and audio/video alignment. The title is "Grandma Double Love, by Jeff Ridgeback."

poetry, video
Watch my Video Poetry!


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