Woh is me
This is my "great" Self Potrait thingy for Photoshop. I just added 7 things that i like including; Pokemon cause it is the greatest. Pizza because who doesn't like pizza. Steven Universe because it's the best show on Cartoon Network as of now. The one and only Heropon Riki who is the coolest. Zebra's because they're the best animal to ever exsist. Urealms because it's enjoyable to watch. And lastly the best band NSP because there music rocks. Plus that photo of me was me freshmen year, i know, i'm handsome.
Danny Avidan
This is my text poster of the glorious Dan Avidan from the band NSP, featuring one of his song titles; Manticore. I guess there's also some qoutes he has said, but the song title is more important.
Yah uhh
This my, uh yah 3D text. I don't know what to say about it but, it's bad.
Here is one of my bus pannels. This one in my opinion is the best because i spent the most time one it, a whole 30 minutes. Plus the font is Comic Sans the best font.
Here is the best final project you have ever seen. I made this project so i can really show what America is about; freedom and McDonalds.
Lion Pope
Here is what i made when i had left in class. This really shows what pope is about; being a lion.


The Photoshops