

In the second quarter of this class we worked with Adobe Premier to create two projects. The first of wich being a Public Service anouncement (PSA) for a social issue or something we felt the need to adress. I chose to do suicide awareness in honor of the "September Suicides" and I felt it was an issue that needed to be covered. Click the image below to see the PSA.




The second project we had to do was called the "Video Poetry" assignment where we were required to make a video with our own voice in the background reciting peotery, written by somone else or ourselves if we chose to do so, or song lyrics. We had to make the video to accompany the spoken words, wha i chose to do was I had this idea in my head and I wrote up the spoken words in a notebook then proceeded to film and managed to put it all together for class. Click the image below to see it.

