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This is one logo I made for Communication Tech class. I made up the company and made a random image but I think it turned out pretty nice for not having much of a plan.




This is also a logo i made for Communication Tech. I like this one a lot more because it has my last name in it and is unique compared to the other logos made in the class.

This is a magazine cover that I made in Communication Tech. I tried to express both my love for cars, along with my love with Photoshop editing in this picture. My favorite part of this picture is the lightning!








This was the first project I made in photoshop. I made it for Multimedia class where I learned photoshop. This picture is mostly a mix of a bunch of stuff in my life.






This was the final project I made in Multimedia class. We could do what ever we wanted so I put together what ever i felt like.

This picture I also made in Multimedia class with photoshop. I cut out my face from a picture of me and put it on Matt Damon's head. I think this turned out better than i thought it would when we were given the assignment. It makes me a laugh a little bit too.






Top: Photoshop Version. Bottom: Real Version.

This project probably took the longest and was the hardest. I had to constantly be looking at both mine and the real picture to make it as real as possible. I feel i could have done better though.