
Home Page

All links are now active, here's a brief overview:

   Contains images I made in photoshop and a couple of tutorials on how they're made. The Lightning tutorial is definately worth checking out. There're also a couple (more like one) low-quality desktop images available, but they (it) are not worth the time.

   Videos I've made during the year, two during second quarter when we were learning about premiere, and one from third quarter when we were learning 3D animation. I recommend watching the last video, the first two were pretty much just done for a grade.

3D works
   Not much here, just a still frame from my 3D video.

    Really not worth your time, considering District 196 policy wont allow links to websites outside the network. There are links though, just not active ones.

Web Design
   There will be tips here for designing professional-looking websites, when I get around to writing them. These are (or will be) based on my 5+ years of web design experience. For a free evaluation of your multimedia project, send me an e-mail:

About Me
   Go there and learn.

© Dan Zabinski