:NEWS: 4.19.01-
Well, the site is finally done. Except for the links page, which I will finish later. Have a look around and enjoy.

As incredible as it may sound, it's all done. It's not official yet, as I still have to do some final tweaking at school. One more day...

All pages and associated graphics are now complete. All that is left to do now is to insert the actual content.

Projects pages are completely done, awaiting insertion of content and such. Project video files converted to .wma today. Work continues on other sections.

Minor graphics retouch to navigation menu and header graphic. Project selection page is complete, other sections and related graphics are still under construction.

Compiling of projects continues. Graphics and layout are now loosely finalized. Navigation buttons and related javascript are complete and are also somewhat finalized. Proceeding with the creation of other pages and related graphics.

Work on the site has moved from the rough design on paper stage to a working rough draft of the first page. Content is now being selected and organized for use in the projects section.

Site design sketches complete. Site development software has been selected. RMMSv2 will be developed in Allaire ColdFusion Studio 4.0.

All content and graphics copyright 2000 VidCorp Studios inc.
Violation of copyright laws will result in punisment by Sal's mom.