title.JPG (140874 bytes)


My name is Chris George and this is stuff I have created in Multimedia class.

The projects below were made entirely in Adobe PhotoShop.


line.JPG (7507 bytes)


Chrissmall.GIF (99726 bytes) Chrisgfinalsmall.GIF (72048 bytes)

Before(click on image for larger picture)

After(click on image for larger picture)


line.JPG (7507 bytes)


mls.JPG (18726 bytes)



line.JPG (7507 bytes)


parks.JPG (26093 bytes)

Tribute to Wrigley

I took images from the Cubs website to get a collection of Wrigley Field images. Then I found an old catchers mit on sale on the internet and used the picture of it for my project. I also got the seating chart for Wrigley Field and deleted all the white sections on it. I blured the 400 marker with the ivy to make the main background. I then put an old image of Wrigley Stadium packed over the ivy. I separated the field and the stands using quickmask. Using more masks, I colorized the inside of the field using hue and saturation. I made the inner field more transparent than the stands. I then put the picture of the glove and  used hue and saturation on it to make it all one color and make it look better. I then put in the picture of the Wrigley Field sign with partial transparency over the whole thing.  I then used an action to make the main part of the image dropshadow. I then cleaned up the edges so it was all contained. I took the scoreboard and made it very transparent on a white background. I then made Wrigley Field letters and copied it into another layer. Then I put a layer mask and made it fade up. I offset the layer from the other layer. Then I used gaussian blur on the other layer to make it look like a shadow. I made a shadow on the seating chart and made it more transparent. That's how I made this image.



My video poetry project