IMC Science Resources

Online Resources
Internet Resources
Botany, Chemistry,
Earth Sciences
& Biomes

Look for Books with these Call Numbers

500 Natural sciences
520 Astronomy and allied sciences
530 Physics
540 Chemistry
550 Earth sciences
560 Palaeontology
570 Life sciences, biology
580 Plants
590 Animals

Click Here to search for RHS Books and other Materials.

Check out these Reference & Video Resources from the library...

R 503
The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. 6 volumes.  Gale Publishing, 1996.
R 503 
Facts on File Encyclopedia of Science, Technology, and Society. 2 vols. Facts on File, Inc. 1999.
R 509
Science and It's Times: Understanding the Social Significance of Scientific Discovery.  7 Volumes. Detroit:  Gale Group, 2000.
R 363.7
Encyclopedia of Global Change, 2 volumes. Oxford University Press, 2002.

Online Databases

National Academies Press provides access to over 2,500 books covering such subjects as: Agriculture, Behavioral Science, Biology, Computer Science, Chemistry, Earth Science, Marine/Maritime, Math & Statistics, Materials, Environmental Issues, Food & Nutrition, Medicine/Public Health, Natural Resources, Physical Sciences, Research Issues, Space Science, Science & Ethics Transportation.
Online Books
Search Contents of over 2,500 books 

Each of these online databases will provide you with a wealth of articles on virtually any scientific topic from biomes to genetics metereology to physics to zoology. Sources include newspaper articles, magazines, scientific journals, maps, t.v. and radio transcripts.

Science Resource Center
Academic Search Premier
General Science Collection
Discovering Collection
World Wide Science
World Book Encyclopedia

Click Here for a list of recommended Library Internet Databases to use for researching any aspect of Science.

Other Databases

Agri-Web - agricultural search engine, indexing over 500,000 agriculture web pages.
American Society for Microbiology Journals - includes journals as: Applied and Environmental Microbiology,
Journal of Bacteriology, Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews and 7 others. (academic level)
Direct Science Search - links covering various scientific disciplines, such as Aerospace, Biology, Botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environment, Geology, Medicine, Life Sciences, Metereology, Zoology.
Directory of Health Science Journals - abstracts from peer-reviewed journals in clinical medicine, biomedical research, nursing and allied health.
Exploratorium - museum of science, art and human expression.
Federation of American Scientists - FAS conducts analysis on science, technology and public policy, including national security, nuclear weapons, arms sales, biological hazards, education and information technology and the environment.
Free Medical Journals - organized the list of medical journals online into the following categories: free full text; free one to 6 months after publication; free one year after publication. free 2 years after publication, new and cancelled.
Infotrieve - database of scientific, technical, medical and other scholarly content, with 20 million citations and 10 million abstracts from over 30,000 journals.
PubMed Central - web-based archive of journal literature for all of the life sciences.
SCIRUS -  covers scientific information through ScienceDirect, MEDLINE on BioMedNet, Beilstein on ChemWeb, Neuroscion, BioMed Central and Patents from the United States Patent and Trademark Office, and related information.
HighWire Press Journals - Stanford University provides access to full text of 137,000+ articles from 80 plus science, technology and medical journals.
Science Breakthroughs - Pacific Northwest National Laboratory delivers breakthrough science and technology.
Science Central - gateway to online resources in Biology, Health, Engineering, Physics and Chemistry.
Science Cinema - Department of Energy multimedia available online. Utilizes state-of-the-art audio indexing and speech recognition technology, allowing you to search for specific words and phrases spoken within video files of research conducted by the Department of Energy.
Science Daily - covers the latest news for all areas of science.
Science Encyclopedia - divided into topical areas including: biology, computing, chemistry, mathematics, noise and vibration and physics.
Science Galaxy -  galaxy of knowledge from the Smithsonian Institution. - this portal reaches 47 million agency pages as well as databases, drilling down into "the deep Web".
Science Inventory - search nine science topics: aging initiative, contaminated sediments, ecological assessment tools, genomics, tribal science, children's health, cumulative risk, environmental justice and non-indigenous species.
Science World - encyclopedias of astronomy, scientific biography, chemistry, and physics.

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Internet Resources


Astronomy for Kids
- topics include constellations, planets, black holes, comets and more.
Astronomy Images - a single interface for searching, displaying images and data from NASA's planetary missions.
Aviation Now - news and information about global aviation and the aerospace community.
Constellations and their Stars - explains constellations, lists stars and constellations alphabetically, and by month.
Discover Magazine - current and recent issues with search capabilities back to 1992.
Galaxies - images from Hubble show multiple collisions of ultra-luminous infrared galaxies.
Hubble Telescope - some of the best photos taken by the Hubble telescope
Mars Orbiter Official Site - covers the accident, history and overview of the mission, provides access to other Mars sites.
Mars Orbiter Image Gallery
The Nine Planets
NASA Homepage - National Aeronautic and Space Administration.
Pictures from Space
Saturn Exploration - pictures of the Cassini and Titan missions.
Space Science - NASA's Space Science Enterprise is trying to answer some of humanity's oldest and deepest questions. Our quest is to know our cosmic origins and destiny. - covers space and space-related subjects. Focuses on news, information, education and entertainment.
Space Reference - provides a wide array of space resources, also features breaking news, full text briefs from NASA.
Space Science Documents - space policy project from the Federation of American Scientists.
Stargazers to Starships
- explores gravity in terms of the Earth's motion in space, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight, includes tips for teachers.
Stars & Constellations - descriptions of stars and a link to photos of their respective constellations.
Stardust Project - NASA mission devoted to retrieving extraterrestrial matter outside the orbit of the Moon.
UNISPACE III - UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
Universe Today - space exploration news from around the Internet.
Wright Air Development Center - historical government reports on the Space Program, test planes and Roswell.
Yahoo!-Science: Astronomy


AEGIS - the largest HIV/AIDS web site in the world. Information about treatment, prevention, nutrition, statistics, etc.
AIDS Knowledge Base - a 2,000 page AIDS Textbook available online.
Bioethics - American Journal of Bioethics.
BioMed Central - Biology - peer reviewed, original manuscripts.
BioSpace: Cloning News and Reaction -- Always Updated
Biotechnology in Food & Agriculture - role and impact of biotechnology in food and agriculture in developing countries.
Biotechnology Information - collection of resources on biotechnology research and education.
Charles Darwin Online - complete works of Charles Darwin's writings.
Charles Darwin - biographical site describing his life and work.
DNA From the Beginning - from the basic concepts of inheritance to the latest methods of DNA analysis.
Evolution - an indepth look at the history and complexities of evolution, from Darwin to the role of religion.
Evolution & the Nature of Science - classroom lessons to help teach the concepts of evolution and the nature of science.
Neanderthals & Modern Humans - this site explains the relationship between modern humans and Neanderthals.
Talk Origins - explores the creation/evolution controversy.
Forensic Science Communications - online journal from the FBI.
Genetics Arizona - provides problem sets, tutorials and activities on genetics, dna and forensics.
Genetic Machine - determines facts about your genes based on physical traits you and your parents show ("phenotype").
Genome Programs - genome programs of the Department of Energy.
Gray’s Anatomy of the Human Body - features 1,247 vibrant engravings, many in color.
Human Genome Project - complete mapping and sequencing of human and selected model organisms' DNA.
Human Genome Resources - background info, sequence for each human chromosome and maps of other organisms.
Human Origins - Museum of Natural History at the Smithsonian on what makes us human.
Interactive Body - allows visitors to explore the human body through a series of interactive activities. (requires FLASH)
Journal of Biology - new online journal with Free access to full text after registration.
Life Science Journals - free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature.
Living Links - compares the molecular genetics of apes and humans.
Marine Species Index - approximately 210 invertebrates and fish.
Microbiology Information Portal - designed to bring useful and interesting microbiology informational resources to you.
Minnesota Citizens for Science Education - brings together the combined resources of teachers, scientists, and citizens to assure, defend, and promote the teaching and learning of evolutionary biology.
National Biological Information Infrastructure - access to data and information on the nation's biological resources.
National Center for Science Education - the authoritative site for information on evolution.
Nature - international weekly journal of science.
Neuro Science - created for all students and teachers who would like to learn about the nervous system.
Pea Soup - (the story of Mendel), an interactive pea experiment where you can breed your own hybrid pea plants!
Primeron Molecular Genetics (Departmentof Energy)
Stem Cell Research - stem cell information from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
Stem Cells - an online Journal
Monitoring Stem Cell Research -- January 2004 (.pdf)
Center for Bioethics and Human Dignity - Stem Cell Research
Virtual Library
World of Infectious Diseases - covers historical and contemporary outbreaks, and the human and environmental changes that contribute to the rise or decline of certain diseases.

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American Journal of Botany - free trial of the online version of the Journal provides full text content from Sept. 1998.
Botanical Society of America - 799 photos from the BSA teaching slide collection. Search by topic or keyword.
Forestry Images - holds nearly 4,500 color images of forest plants, insects, invasive organisms and natural scenes.
Images of Plants - University of Wisconsin site with spectacular images of various species. No text.
Missouri Botanical Garden WebServer
NeoFlora - indexes over 38,000 plants and includes playt characteristics, plant ranges and descriptions.
Welcome to the PLANTS National Database Home Page
What Tree Is It?

Chemistry & Physics

American Chemical Society
The Periodic Table of the Elements on the Internet

Explore Science - interactive learning in the areas of electricity, magnetism, life science, waves, optics, etc.
Female Physicists - biographical information about 20th Century women physicists.
History of Chemistry - topics include Atomic, Electricity, Elements, Environmental Chemistry, Gases, Radioactivity, Thermodynamics.
Interactive Plasma Physics Education Experience - topics range from electricity, magnetism, energy, and fusion.
Physics Classroom - interactive tutorial of basic physics concepts.

Earth Sciences

U.S. Geological Survey Learning Web - resources include: maps, climate, wildlife, earthprocesses and more.
Welcome to the United States Department of the Interior's Homepage
Earthquake Hazards Program - from the USGS, it provides both real time and historic earthquake information.
Earthquakes for Teachers - help you find classroom information, activities, and lessons about earthquakes!
Extreme Science - facts about the largest, highest, oldest and greatest creatures and formations of the natural world.
GeoData - provides climate, atmospheric, environmental, geological and geophysical data.
National Earthquake Information Center - searchable database, near real time earthquake coordinate information and a global seismograph station information.
Nature - updated daily, this site includes articles covering ecology, space and biotechnology and much more.
NatureServe - trusted source about rare and endangered species.
Southern California Earthquake Center - defines locations of future quakes by calculating expected ground motions.
International Tsunami Information Center - maintains relationships with scientific research and academic organizations, civil defense agencies, and the general public to mitigate hazards associated with Tsunamis.
Indian Ocean Tsunami Disaster Information
Science of Tsunami's - the international journal of the Tsunami Society.
Tsunami Resources
- resources for the classroom.

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Antartic Research - Antarctic Climate Change and the Environment report.
Artic National Wildlife Refuge
- potential impact of oil and gas development in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge.
Audubon Society -; it's mission is to conserve and restore natural ecosystems, focusing on birds and other wildlife.
World Biodiversity Database - provides taxonomic information, species names, synonyms, descriptions, illustrations and references on 200,000+ taxa.
Borlaug Foundation - links to information about the Nobel Prize Winner and his work to abolish starvation in the world.
CenterPoint Energy Underground - Deep Earth helps students learn more about the science of natural gas.
Changing Climate - information rich site on the forces that affect our weather.
Changing Planet - A Report by the Climate Change Science Program. (available from the RHS Catalog Q 363.738 Our )
Climate Change: Science, Strategies & Solutions - the Pew Center for Global Climate Change, includes facts and figures.
Department of Energy HomePage
The Dinosaur Files
Drought Watch - US Geological Survey provides reports for selected states with links to the Weather Service and Department of Agriculture.
EarthTrends - an environmental information portal, offering searchable databases, country profiles, maps and articles on 10 topical areas including marine ecosystems, climate, agriculture, forests and grasslands among others.
Ecoregions of the United States - contains maps of U.S. showing ecological boundaries
Ecological Subregions of the U.S. - contains biophysical descriptions of the color coded maps.
E-Nature - field guides to nearly 5,000 plants and animals.  Search by keyword or browse within subheadings.
EnviroLink PreHomePage
Environmental Contaminants Encyclopedia - A searchable encyclopedia of 118 environmental contaminants.
Environmental Defense Fund - experts in science, law and economics tackle complex environmental issues.
Environmental Literacy Council - resources on topics, such as water, forests, biodiversity, food and population.
The Environment: A Global Challenge - a comprehensive site with more than 400 articles covers every aspect of the environment with interactive features.
ERIC Environmental Resources - from the Educational Resource Information Center.
Everglades Field Trip - covers the Everglades' natural processes, including hydrology, biology and geology.
Field Guides - video clips of animals, ecosystems, human history, livelihoods, earth & space, plants & recreation.
Fish Database - everything you wanted to know about fishes, over 23,000 species.
Global Climate Change - U.S. Government information and plans to deal with climate change and greenhouse gases.
Global Climate Report - A detailed overview of the consequences of climate change  and mechanisms for adaptation.
Global Lightening Research Center - lightening and atmospheric electricity research from the Global Hydrology and Climate Center.
Global Warming - fingerprints and harbingers of global warming, such as sea level rise, melting glaciers, heat waves, spreading disease, declines in plant and animal populations.  Includes a clickable map of the world.
Greenpeace International HomePage
A Hypertext Book on Biodiversity and Conservation
IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change established by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
Living Planet - presents data on the health of the forest, freshwater and marine ecosystems around the world.
Living Seas, Forest & Water - marine, forest and freshwater conservation actions in Asia/Pacific.
National Climatic Data Center - world's largest archive of climate data.
National Library for the Environment - Over 412 nonpartisan reports from the Congressional Research Service.
National Oceanographic Data Center - physcial, chemical and biological characteristics of the ocean water column from the sea surface to the sea floor.
National Wildlife Federation - conservation group whose goal is to protect wildlife, wild places, and the environment.
Real Climate - climate science from climate scientists.
Resources for the Future - examines regulations, biodiversity, climate, the Superfund, technology & outer space.
Seek - Minnesota Environmental Information meta site
Sierra Club
Stop Global Warming - an activist site from the producer of An Inconvenient Truth.
Tree Atlas of the Eastern United States - climate change scenarios and ecological attributes of Eastern US forests.
Welcome to the United States Environmental Protection Agency's Homepage
History of the EPA - historical data with full text of two booklets on the EPA history.
Librarian's Guide to EPA resources
World Wildlife Fund - provides practical and sustainable solutions to current and future problems.
World Resources Institute - documents are sorted geographically or by subject area:  biodiversity, climate change, forests, oceans and coasts, governance.

Biomes - General Information and Links to Information about Biomes

Biome Links
World Biomes
World's Biomes Page
Evergreen Project
Biomes and Soils
Ecological Subregions of the United States
Ecosystems & Biomes
Biomes, Freshwater & Marine Ecosystems

Biome Topic Choices

Chaparral: Coastal Sage Scrub
Coniferous Forest
Costa Rican Rain Forest
Deciduous Forest
Deep Sea
Florida Everglades
Freshwater lakes
Freshwater Swamp
Great Barrier Reef
Great Lakes
Great Lakes Ecosystem - from the EPA, covers...ozone depletion, wetlands preservation, pollution, water quality...
Great Salt Lake
Hot Desert
Hydrothermal vents
Mangrove forest
Minnesota River Valley
Mississippi River
Rainforest Links
Salt marsh (coastal marsh)
Sonora Desert
Sonoran Desert
Temperate Forest Biome Tour

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Crime Lab of Serial Killers - covers notorious killers, weird and shocking, unsolved cases and killers from history.
DNA: from crime to conviction - court TV's DNA and forensics page.

Meta Science Sites

Cornell Theory Network - links to sites covering science and math, arts and social studies, and educators.
Dictionary of Science and Technology - browse scientific topics of engineering sciences, life sciences, medicine, physical sciences, mathematics, computer sciences and social sciences.
Discover Magazine - science news and highlights.
EncycloZine - encyclopedia like entries to over 100 topics, including science, computers and mathematics.
Exploring Leonardo - examines da Vinci's life and accomplishments in architecture, engineering and medicine.
High School Hub - a meta site of student resources in the earth sciences, biology, chemistry and physics.
Open Science - dedicated to writing and releasing free and Open Source scientific software.
Science Reading Room - provides full text of over 1,000 recent and new books from the National Academy Press. Subjects include: biology, computer sciences, mathematical sciences, science and ethics and statistics.
Scientific Biographies - from Aristotle to Einstein to Xenophanes of Colophon with links to other sites.
Scientific & Technical Information Network - provides abstracts of scientific reports and access to full text of the Naval Aerospace Medical Research Laboratory. (Also check me out at the Subject Search for Government Documents link)


Extreme Weather Sourcebook - access to data on the economic damage from hurricanes, floods and tornadoes.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NOAA Home Page
National Severe Storms Laboratory - their goal is to improve short term predictions of hazardous weather.
NOAA Photo Collection - images back to the 19th century of lightning, tornadoes, seascapes, marine life, etc.
Climate Statistics - select a state and generate a graph of temperature and precipitation data for a range of years.
NOAA Education Resources - access to the educational activities, publications, and booklets from NOAA.
Globe Program - global learning and observations to benefit the environment.
La Nina - unusually cold ocean temperatures in the equatorial Pacific.
El Nino & La Nina Home - Climate Prediction Center with forecasts.
FAQ's about El Nino - frequently asked questions about El Nino.
NWS Welcome Page [HomePage]
State and Country Weather Data
U.S. Historical Daily Weather Maps - historical daily weather maps from 1871 thru 2001.
Daily Weather Maps of the U.S. - daily weather maps from 2002 to present.
World Climatic Data by Country - international climatic observations from all over the world have been imaged.

Science Teachers

Astronomy Education Resources - extensive science education materials for teaching astronomy.
Curriculum Links for Science Teachers - this metasite provides resources for multiple subject areas including biology, chemistry, weather and astronomy, wildlife and the environment.
Electronic Journal of Science Education - scholarly case studies and explorations of issues in science education.
Environmental Literacy Council - a collection of resources to help teachers and students covering topics, such as water, forests, biodiversity, food and population.
Marine Fisheries - new resource for Science teachers.
Science CourseWare - virtual courses for earth and environmental science.
Science Education Trends - National Science Foundation's report on the trends in science, engineering and education.
Science Journal - largest online database of freely available journal information containing more than 8500 titles, will indicate if available in full text online.
Science Literacy - describes what students should know and be able to do in science, math & technology.
Science Museum of Minnesota - Collections include archaeology and ethnology; mammalogy, entomology, and ornithology; vertebrate and invertebrate paleontology; and river and stream ecology and watershed biology.

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American Zoo Association Species Survival Program - established to ensure survival of endangered wildlife species.
Bagheera - endangered species site.
Bug Bios - photos and past issues of Cultural Entomology Digest.
Enter the St.Louis Zoo
International Wolf Center - the survival of wolf populations and their relationship to wild lands and humans.
Jurassic Park Institute - ultimate resource for dinosaur learning.
SanDiego Zoo, San Diego Wild Animal Park, Zoological Society of San Diego

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Updated 11/14/12