IMC Professional Resources

Print/Video Resources
Online Resources
Internet Resources
Educational Research
Electronic Journals
Reading Resources

Print Resources

The Professional Library is located in the Second Floor Faculty Lounge. The Library's Catalog on the Web can be used to locate specific materials. Recommendations for purchase of new and additional professional materials should be submitted to the IMC Coordinator.

Click Here to search for RHS Books, Videos and other Materials.

Video Resources on Demand

Academic Earth
Archaeology Channel

C-SPAN Video Library
Documentary Heaven -
a vast collection of documentaries spanning across every genre.
Other Documentary Sources

Inspiring Documentaries -
streaming. -
users find, enjoy, and share videos about the people, issues, and ideas changing the world.
Internet Archive: Moving Image Archive
Multimedia Educationa
l Resource for learning and online teaching.
Minnesota Video Vault
PBS Frontline Planner
you can stream full length program from Frontline, NOVA, Nature, American Experience, History Detectives, Masterpiece Theater, Secrets of the Dead, Need to Know and more.
PBS VIDEO - collection of films created by federal agencies, including: the Iran Contra Hearings; the Royal Ballet of Cambodia; and several long clips of The Roswell Reports ("eyewitness accounts").
SnagFilms: Watch Free Documentaries Online - world‘s most compelling documentaries, whether from established heavyweights or first-time filmmakers.
Teach With Movies - offers access to more than 350 lesson plans and learning guides for movies and films.
TeacherTube - video clips for educational purposes, many complete with lesson plans.
TED: Ideas Worth Spreading - clearinghouse that offers free knowledge and inspiration from the world's most inspired thinkers.
YouTube EDU - YouTube for Schools.

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RHS Academic Research Databases

The Primary Online Resource for Educational Research and Data is...ERIC (citations and abstracts)
ERIC Documents - education research topics are available in full text via RHS' subscription to EDRS.

RHS Faculty and Staff also have access to the following Professional Research Databases
Home Access is available for all of them.

Academic Search Premier
Biography in Context
Business Source Premier
Educator Reference Complete
Expanded Academic ASAP
Global Issues in Context
MasterFILE Premier
Opposing Viewpoints
Professional Collection
Psychology Collection
Teacher Reference Center    

Search by Subject Guide to the Library's Research Databases!

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Internet Resources

(for detailed Subject Area resources refer to the RHS Academic Subject Guide)

Copyright/Plagiarism Information

U.S. Copyright Office - general information, international copyright and legislation
Copyright Clearance Center Online
icopyright - automated copyright permission process.
Plagiarism: What It is and How to Recognize and Avoid It!
Preventing Plagiarism -  document source analysis tools to detect plagiarism.

Curriculum Resources/Lesson Plans

UDL - Lesson Plan Design - provides educators with models and tools to create and adapt lessons that increase access and participation.
BBC Education
- curriculum based online resources related to BBC productions arranged into six categories.
Document Analysis Worksheets - developed by NARA for written, photographs, cartoons, posters, maps, artifacts, sound recordings and film.
Education Minnesota - voice for public education, leadership in education innovation, dedication to Minnesota students and families.
Educational Resources and Lesson Plans - links to lesson plans and other resources for students and teachers.
Educator's Reference Desk - AskERIC's lesson plans, links to online education information and Q and A.
Frontline Teacher Center - lesson plans and activities for middle school and high school teachers.
Gateway to Educational Materials - quality Internet lesson plans, curriculum units and other education resources.
Learning Exchange for Teachers and Students - covers Language Arts, Foreign Languages, Social Studies, Science, Health, Math, Art and Music.
Learning Guides - lesson plans for the humanities: art and culture; literature; foreign language and social studies.
PBS Learning Media - NEW media-on-demand service developed for educators that provides EASY access to classroom-ready, curriculum-targeted, multi-platform digital resources.
DocsTeach - developed by the National Archives to help teachers integrate Primary Documents into their lesson plans. Includes specific lesson plans with the historical documents.

McREL-Making a Difference
National Library of Education - federal government's main resource center for education information.
New York Times Learning Network - feature articles from the Times complete with related classroom activities.
PBS Teacher Source - help educators plan lessons and provide access to resources on television and the Web.
Pinakes: A Subject Launchpad - a metasite to major subject gateways.
Read, Write, Think - from the National Council of Teachers of English.
Resources for Educational Excellence - Department of Education site of teaching tools from Art to Voc Ed.
Select K-12 Educational Sites - provides tutorials, projects, activities, lessons and links to other sites.
Teachers First - a one stop Web site sorted by subject and grade level.
Teaching Historic Places - lesson plans for history, civics, geography and social studies using the National Register of Historic Places.
Thinkfinity - educational resources by subject, keyword & grade level.
U.S. Census Bureau - Resources for Teachers from the U.S. Census Bureau. - Education News

Public Domain Sites

Font Styles

Clip Art




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Education Research

National School Boards Association - National School Board Association aims to refocus the public debate about public schools.
Current Issues in Education
- e-journal with articles on education theory, practice, research and methodology.
Digital Divide Web Resources - foundation and grant information sites.
Education Index - annotated guide to the best education-related sites on the Web, sorted by subject.
Educational Technology Information Center - web site offers peer reviews of hardware, instructional and administrative software and services in the K-12 and Higher Ed markets.

ERIC Query Form
History of Education in the 20th Century -
notiable events in education during the 20th century (focuses on U.S.
National Center for Educational Statistics -
summarizes and explains the latest educational research findings.
National Research and Development Center -
Dept of Education's Office of Educational Research and Improvement covering a wide range of educational issues.
K-12 Practitioners Center
Public School & School District Locator -
users can identify name, address, telephone number and other student and teacher information for public schools and districts.
Search the Web for just .edu sites.
Test Reviews -
education & psychology test information as it appears in Mental Measurement Yearbook.

Education Resources

Active Learning Practices - Harvard University provides a wealth of educational resources including curriculum design tools, lesson plans, online educational publications, interactive forums and more.
A libris - the ultimate source for used, rare and hard to find books.! - Earth's Biggest Bookstore.
American Association of Teachers of German
Archive Collections - Free to search. Archive-It is a fee-based service from the Internet Archive that works with non-profits, schools, governments and others to crawl and archive sites and pages they specify.
Choice Magazine - links to over 480 reviewed sites covering the areas of Reference, Humanities, Science & Technology, Social and Behavioral Sciences.
The Chronicle of Higher Education
Cornell Theory Network - links to sites covering science and math, arts and social studies, and educators.
Department of Education - education topics from A to Z.
Document Analysis Worksheets - designed by the Education Staff of the National Archives and Records Administration.
Education Online - resources for educators and parents for each day's news from USA Today.
T.H.E. Journal with peer reviews of hardware and software.
FETCH Books - locate new and used Books.
Foundation Center - links to individual grant foundations, divided by state.
Google Forms - allows you to create assessments that can be open-ended or objective in nature.
Minnesota Grantmakers - Websites from the Minnesota Council on Foundations.
INFOMINE - internet finding tool and virtual library of scholarly internet resources.
Jeopardy Game Site also provides a link to create your own jeopardy game for your specific classes.
Library Media Program Development - an A to Z list of ALA reports on various aspects of school library media, from copyright to filters to weeding.
National Academies Press - all .pdf books free to download.
Puzzlemaker - create math squares, criss-cross puzzles, word games, mazes, word search, cryptograms, etc.

National Education Standards

National Standards for English/Language Arts
National Standards for History
National Standards for Mathematics
National Science Standards

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Electronic Journals

Academic Journals - free access to more than 600 multi-disciplinary professional and academic journals.
American Journal of Psychiatry - (abstracts and some full text)
Archaeology Magazine - (abstracts and full text)
Columbia Journalism Review - (full text)
Cultural Logic: An Electronic Journal of Marxist Theory and Practice - (full text)
Education Week on the Web
Educational Policy Analysis - a peer reviewed scholarly journal (full text)
First Monday - (full text)
International Journal of Public Opinion Research - (full text)
Journal of Curriculum and Instruction
Journal of Media and Culture - (full text)
Journal of Social and Political Thought - (full text)
SIMILE - Studies in Media & Information Literacy Education

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Grant Opportunities

Education Grants and Awards

Reading Resources

UDL - Book Builder - Use this site to create, read, and share digital books that build reading skills for students.
American Library Association - provides ideas, book list, tips for parents & teachers and other resources.
Arts & Letters Daily - an updated report of news and reviews, digests the best writing on the web from the Chronicle of Higher Education.
ESL Resources Directory - a database of resources for teachers of English as a Second Language.
International Reading Association - information on international projects, research and publications.
Learning to Read - studies the reading process with information on teaching techniques, literacy, materials and reading research.
Literacy Task Force - preliminary report on "How We Can Teach Every Child to Read Well."
Minnesota Center for the Book - promoting books, reading, literacy and libraries for all Minnesotans (an affiliate of the Center for the Book at the Library of Congress.)
Reading Resources for Teachers - reading skills, strategies, literacy, computers and reading, lesson plans.
Teacher Resource Center - how to involve parents in reading beyond the school day and other ideas.

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Updated 12/17/13