IMC Language Arts Resources

Online Resources
American Literature
British Literature
Communication/ Journalism
Oral History & Film Theatre, Writing

Look for Books with these Call Numbers

800 Literature: general resources
808.8 Literature: general collections
808.88 Quotations
809.89 Women writers
809 Literary study and criticism
809 Poetry: general resources
810 American literature in English
820 English, Scottish and Irish literature
830 German literature
840 French literature
850 Italian literature
860 Spanish and Portuguese literature
870 Latin literature
880 Classical Greek literature
890 Literature in other languages

Click Here to search for RHS Books and other Materials.

Here is just a sample of what you will find in Reference...

R 808.81 Poe

Poetry for Students, 7 Volumes. Detroit: Gale Research Co. 2000 - .

R 809 Mos
World Literature and it's Times. 5 volumes. Detroit: Gale Group. 1999.
R 809 Nov
Novels for Students, 11 Volumes. Detroit: Gale Research Co. 1997-. Provides Analysis, Context and Criticism on Commonly Studies Novels.
R 809.1 Epi
Epics for Students. 2 volumes. Detroit: Gale Group. 1997.
R 809.933 Lit
Literature and It's Times. 5 Volumes. Detroit: Gale Publishing, 1997 - Profiles of 300 Notable Literary Works and the Historical Events that Influenced Them.
R 810.9 Ame
American Writers: A Collection of Literary Biographies, 4 Volumes & 4 Supplements. New York: Scribners, -1996.
R 810.992 Ame
American Women Writers: A Critical Reference Guide from Colonial Times to the Present, 5 Volumes. New York: Ungar, 1979 - 1994.
R 820.9 Bri
British Writers, 7 Volumes & 4 Supplements. New York: Scribners, 1979 - 1997.

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Online Resources

For a List of Recommended Language Arts Research Databases, Click Here.

You can find articles about authors, works of literature, literary criticisms and poetry from such journals as: The American Poetry Review, American Literature, Contemporary Literature, Essays in Literature, Journal of Modern Literature, Nineteenth Century Literature, Studies in English Literature, World Literature Today and hundreds more, all from the following Internet Databases....

Literature Resource Center
Academic Search Premier
Discovering Collection
Expanded Academic ASAP
Biography Resource Center MasterFile Premier Opposing Viewpoints Student Resource Center

Teaching Books - a multimedia website that generates enthusiasm for books and reading by providing original, up-close profiles of authors and illustrators, audio excerpts of book readings, guides to thousands of titles and a wealth of resources on children's and young adult literature all in one place.

A new educational literature website for high school and college students.

A new educational poetry website for high school and college students.

C-SPAN BookNotes Archive

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Internet Resources

American Literature

American Collection - presents films based on the works of American authors, Cather, Welty, Hughes & James.
The American Indian - Smithsonian exhibition of the life, languages, literature, and history of Native Americans.
American Literary History - primary and secondary bibliographies for major periods and figures of American Literature.
Booknotes - provides information about the CSPAN program and the nonfiction books covered on the show.
Salem Witchcraft - provides accurate general information about these witchcraft events.
Edgar Allen Poe - biographical as well as an archive of his letters and fiction.
Edith Wharton Society - covers the life and work of this American novelist and short story writer.
Faulkner on the Web - an unparalleled online resource for the study of William Faulkner.
To Kill A Mockingbird: Then and Now - presents social and historical context of the novel, and the ways it makes relevant connections to today. Contains primary source documents, lesson plans, and student work.
Herman Melville
- life and works of the author, includes reviews and criticisms.
Mark Twain at Large - examines the role of travel in Twain's writing and his life.
Mark Twain Site - covers Mark Twain and how his works were created, marketed, performed and reviewed.
Mark Twain - film produced by Ken Burns, with classroom activities, his writings, a chronology and related sites.
Pulitzer Prize Winners - in American Journalism, letters, drama and music.
J.D. Salinger

John Steinbeck - Research repository and classroom for the study of his novel, Of Mice and Men.
John Steinbeck: The California Novels
Martha Heasley Cox Center for Steinbeck Studies
Uncle Tom's Cabin and American Culture - Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel and the nation's response to it.
African American Women Writers-19th Century - works of fiction, poetry, biographies, autobiographies and essays.

Minnesota Writers

Minnesota Authors Project - biographical sketches of 36 past and present Minnesota authors.

American Poetry

The Academy of American Poets - more than 300 audio clips through Poetcast and more added every week; hundreds of poetry videos; over 400 prose pieces including essays and interviews.
Bartleby Verse - American and English Poetry, 1250 - 1920.
Fooling With Words - brief biographies of 21 poets, selections of poetry and video (Quicktime or RealPlayer). - access to full text poems by occasion and theme.

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British Literature

Aesop's Fables Online
Jane Austen Society Online - enjoyment and appreciation of Jane Austen and her writing.
William Blake Archive - Blake's poetry and prose and his Songs of Innocence and of Experience.
British Literature - includes author profiles, short articles on historical eras and over 50 literary locales.
British Women Romantic Poets - works published by British women poets between 1789 and 1832.
Burns Country - this site contains 100 songs and poems and an encyclopedia on Scotland's most famous poet.
Chaucer - guide to online resources on the 14th century poet.
Dickens - a great site for Charles Dickens fans, biographical information and text of his works.
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift - links to source texts, study guides, scholarly societies and other resources.
King Arthur on Britannia
Middle English Literature - four collections: Camelot Project, Robin Hood, Middle English texts and Bibliographies.
Shakespeare - the complete Works of William Shakespeare.
Shakespeare and the Globe: Then and Now - includes the theatre, biographies, plays in the Elizabethan context.
William Shakespeare & the Internet - his Works, Life & Times, Theatre, Criticism and Educational Resources.
Mary Shelley's Frankenstein - electronic version of the original 1831 edition of Frankenstein.
Sherlockian - comprehensive links to everything related to 221B Baker Street and Arthur Conan Doyle.
Victorian Women Writers - works of 19th Century British women authors

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General Literature

Author Index - search by author or title to obtain a list of where the literary works and criticism can be found.
Author Pathfinders - gives extensive bibliographies of hundreds of writers.
Author Webliography
Bartleby - the Classics including Benjamin Franklin's autobiography to the Odyssey to Crime and Punishment.
Bibliomania: The Network Library - Over 40 classic novels, literature & language reference, poetry & nonfiction.
Bullfinch's Western Mythology - complete text of The Age of Fable.
Cambridge History of English and American Literature - all 18 volumes of literacy criticism and history.
Children's Books Online - the largest collection of illustrated antique children's books on line...they think.
Classic Bookshelf - includes a number of classic works, primarily British and American.
Concordance of Great Books - provides an alphabetical list of books and authors.
Encyclopedia Mythica - more than 4400 definitions of mythical, folklore and legendary figures with some images
Faerie Lore & Literature - comprehensive site for faerie-inspired stories, poems, novels and plays (i.e.Midsummer Night's Dream)
Glossary of Poetic Terms - includes definitions, examples, cross references and quotations from famous poets.
Gothic Literature - web's guide to gothic literature.
Great Books - searchable index of 86 authors and 200 full texts from Shakespeare to Melville.
History of the English Language - focuses on the history and development of new words and phrases.
Literary Criticism Collection
Literary Resources on the Web - links to Classical, Medieval, Renaissance, 20th Century British & Irish, American Literature, Women's Literature, Theatre and Drama.
Online Books Page - 12,000+ titles indexed, full text, free and not copyrighted. Search by author, title, subject.
Online Study Guides - guides to an extensive library of works including science fiction, 18th & 19th century European classics, renaissance, world literature and the Bible.
Phrase Finder - Meanings and Origins of Phrases, sayings, cliches and quotes
Play Index - indexes plays published as part of collections or anthologies.
Poet's Corner - features lengthy biographical entries for 20 English and American poets from Milton to Dove.
Women Writers - from Alcott to Virginia Woolf.
Words Without Borders - The Online Magazine for International Literature
World of Drama - virtual library for theatre and drama.

Greek & Roman Mythology

Ancient Classic History Glossary - dictionary listing of Greek and Roman Gods.
Classical Gods of Greek Mythology
- a complete A to Z list of Greek Gods.
The Classics Page
- Latin and Greek mythology, the Oracle, the Odyssey and more.
Encyclopedia Mythica - Greek - photo gallery of Greek gods.
Encyclopedia Mythica - Roman - photo gallery of Roman gods.
Greek Mythology - from the Illiad to the fall of the last tyrant
Greek Pantheon - a reference guide for students of Greek mythology.
Mortal Women of the Trojan War - references of the mortal women of the Trojan War.
Mythical and Fantasy Creatures
MythNet - The Classics Unveiled - designed to educate the world about Greek and Roman mythology.
The Odyssey - A Deeper Appreciation of the Odyssey developed by the Yale-New Haven Teacher's Institute.
Odyssey Online - explores Near Eastern, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and sub-Saharan African cultures.
Olympian Gods - A to Z listing of the Olympian Gods from Bullfinchs Mythology.
Study Guide for Homer's Odyssey - figure out the variations and myths to help you understand the Homer better.

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Advertising in America - over 9,000 images relating to the early history of advertising in the United States. Materials are from the Special Collections Library at Duke University, includes a multitude of products from cookbooks, billboards, print advertisements, trade cards, calendars.
American Journalism - annual report on the State of the News Media.
American Newspapers - Complete listing of American Newspapers.
Archive of American Public Addresses
Behind the Homefront - "a daily chronicle of news in homeland security and military operations affecting newsgathering, access to information and the public's right to know."
Comics - comic strips and editorial cartoons.
Comics Research Bibliography - list of resources that cover the cultural and political role of comics in history, criticism, education, features and reviews.
Early Radio History - articles and extracts about early radio and related technologies, concentrating on the United States from 1897 to 1927.
Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting - media watch group provides documented criticism of media bias and censorship.
Freedom of Information - This site is a one-stop portal that describes best practices, explains campaign strategies and tactics, and links the efforts of freedom of information advocates around the world.
Freedom Forum - a nonpartisan foundation dedicated to free press, free speech and free spirit for all people.
Inaugural Addresses - Inaugural speeches of all presidents from Washington to Clinton. - Research, Resources, and Ideas to Improve Journalism.
Life Magazine Photo Archive - millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, from the 1750s to today.
Media Literacy - Center for Media Literacy.
Media Matters - a not for profit information center dedicated to monitoring, analyzing, and correcting misinformation.
Museum of Television and Radio - interviews with people in T.V. and radio, talking about the creative process.
News Literacy Project - national educational program that is mobilizing seasoned journalists to help middle school and high school students sort fact from fiction in the digital age.
Newseum - 250,000-square-foot museum of news, offers visitors an experience that blends five centuries of news history with up-to-the-second technology and hands-on exhibits.
Newswatch - a consumer's guide to the news, an online media criticism magazine.
Online Journalism Review - articles evaluate the field of online journalism.
Poynter Institute - a school for journalists, future journalists, and teachers of journalists.
ProPublica - journalism in the public interest providing access to missing memos from the Bush Administration.
Public Integrity - investigative journalism in the public interest.
Pulitzer Organization - lists all of the Pulitzer Prizes and their winners from 1917 to the present.
Pulitzer Prize Photographs - from the North Carolina State University library.
Radio Programs - streaming audio from such programs as NPR, music, old time radio, talk radio and sports.
State of the News Media - an annual report on American Journalism.
Streaming Audio and Video Resources - a list of resources that provide links to audio and video files.
SunshineWeek - promoting the public's right to know with links to open government web sites and FOIA efforts.
Syndicated Comics - over 100 syndicated comics.

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Oral History

The1920s/The Roaring Twenties
1950's America - literature and culture in America during the 1950's.
The British Invasion - covers the influences of the Beatles, the Who, the Rolling Stones, the Kinks and the Hollies.
Cold War Museum - preserves Cold War history.
Eye Witness History - first hand testimony and photographs from historical events in American History.
Family Search - geneaological resource from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormons).
Images from the 60's & 70's - more than 60 images by photograher Lisa Law, capturing the era's activism and counterculture.
National Archives and Records Administration - historical documents and photographs from American History.
Picturing the Century - ONE Hundred Years of Photography from the National Archives.
The Nixon Years - photographic history of the Nixon years from photographer Fred Maroon.
Posters American Style- discusses impact of American culture on posters with examples in Rock n' Roll, Civil Rights, FDR. Features over 137 posters from the Smithsonian.
Psychedelic Sixties - sections on Woodstock, Rock Music, Hippies, Civil Rights Movement, Vietnam War, etc.

Photography & Film

Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences - documenting the history and development of motion pictures.
AFI's 100 Years
- American Film Institute list of the 100 funniest movies.
Ancient History in the Movies - These movies claim some connection to historical events, but are primarily fictional.
Medieval History in the Movies - "Medieval" in the case covers the first-century (CE) Roman Empire until the 17th-century.  Although "medieval" and "movies" might not seem to be a good fit -- a lot of bad films have been made.
Modern History in the Movies - The films suggested will give insight into the periods studied in modern history courses, but they are far from perfect!
American Museum of Photography - images from the earliest daguerreotype to the first practical color photograph.
American Photography: A Century of Images - a topical look at photography as used in art, persuasion, social change, war, and presidential image making.
Cinema: How are Hollywood Films Made? - examines the creative process of producing a motion picture from the words to the editor's final cut.
Cinematography - complete historical timeline of the discovery of cinematography in the history of film.
HELIOS: American Photographs Index
Masters of Photography - includes information on 45 famous photographers with examples of their work.
Picturing the Century - Portfolios from 7 famous American Photographers from the National Archives.
Silent Movie Era - 17,000 silent films, with reviews, availability of films on video or DVD, film biographies, etc.
Telecommunications & Multimedia Encyclopedia - covers technologies, trends, biographies, legislation, company profiles.


Theatre History - annotated directory of links to resources on Theatre history from classical Greek to the present.
Broadway: The American Musical - five-part series from PBS offers insights into the world of the Great White Way throughout its fabled past, all the way up to the present.


APA Style - a summary of the APA writing style for research papers.
MLA Format: Giving Credit To Sources - Modern Language Association style guide.
Online! Citation Styles - guide to using Internet resources, examples of APA, MLA, CBE and Chicago styles.
Read, Write, Think - from the National Council of Teachers of English.
Tech Writing Handbook - Handbook for Technical Writers, includes grammar, punctuation, and capitalization.
Tools for College Writing - introduces the fundamentals of writing, to help students succeed in college.
Write Site - students role play reporters and editors to write and publish their own newspaper or newscast.

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Updated 11/14/12