Welcome to the IMC!

Media Center Library Policies Internet Policy Library Services Dewey Decimal

Welcome to the Rosemount High School Media Center. Over the past decade, the IMC has experienced many changes as technology and automation were introduced. The Card Catalog migrated to a Web based Catalog in 1999 and is now accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week from any computer in the library or at home, via Internet access. Students can access the library's collection of more than 21,000 books and videos from home. The RHS Catalog includes an assortment of fiction, nonfiction, short story collections, paperbacks, reference books, atlases, eBooks, magazines, DVD's, videos and audiobooks. Students can search for materials by keyword, subject, title or author. Our Catalog also searches for reliable websites using WebPath Express.

In addition to our catalog, students can also search the entire School District for materials. By logging into the Catalog, this enables you to request books from any of the school media centers in District 196. When you click on Login in the upper corner of the catalog page, it will ask you for a USERNAME and a PASSWORD.

Student Login Information
Username = Student ID #
Password = First 6 letters of last name followed by Date of Birth.
(For example: osulli31. If your birth date is single digit put a 0 in front of the date, i.e.: 09.)

Teacher Login Information
Username: e-mail address before the @ sign. For example: michael.osullivan
Password: E-mail password

The Library's home page is designed to facilitate access and create a "roadmap" to reliable and authoritative library research tools and information. The library subscribes to more than 26 different Online Research Databases and the Encyclopedia Britannica. The online databases provide access to the latest news from thousands of magazines and journals, international and national newspapers including: the New York Times, Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, Minneapolis Star Tribune and the Wall Street Journal.

RHS Media Center

The primary goal of the Rosemount High School Media Center is to provide students and faculty with access to a wide range of materials, including print, video, electronic and online resources. These resources are carefully reviewed and selected to support and supplement the academic needs of Rosemount High School's curriculum. The primary objective of the Library staff is promote Information Literacy skills across the curriculum. Information Literacy is an information problem solving process, involving the ability to recognize the need for information, the knowledge and skills to locate and retrieve the information from a variety of sources, and to evaluate and use the information efficiently and effectively.

An Information Literacy Committee comprised of faculty members from various departments, two administrators and the School Library Media Specialist adopted FIVE Information Literacy Skills, designed to prepare Rosemount High School students to become lifelong learners.

Library Staff

Information and Technology Integration Specialist - Susan Semmler

Media Clerk - Mary Kay Lonnquist

Library Hours

Monday - Friday 6:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

The Lower IMC Computer Labs are closed to students after school Monday-Friday, unless supervised by a teacher.

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Library Policies

  • A student I.D. number is required to check out books. Books may be checked out for a three week period, and can be renewed as many times as necessary, unless the book has been requested by another student. Students can check out up to 4 books at a time.
  • Magazines may be checked out for THREE days. Most Recent issues of magazines can only be read in the library.
  • Videos and DVD's can be checked out for THREE days.
  • Students must have a pass to be in the Media Center during class hours. They will need to show their pass and sign in at the circulation desk in the library.
  • Students in the Library should keep the noise level down so other students can work.
  • Library computers may only be used for research purposes. Word processing or other multi-media activities are available in the IMC Computer labs.
No Food or Drink is permitted in the library!

Library Services

Types of materials available for use in the Media Center include: books, magazines, newspapers, CD-ROM products, videos, and microfiche.

The Book Collection

Reference Collection

The Reference Collection is located on the main level of the Library. Reference books provide students with access to a variety of information, covering all subject areas. Sources include: directories, general and subject specific encyclopedias, handbooks, dictionaries, historical atlases and biographies. Reference materials are intended for use in the library and may not be checked out.

Gale Virtual Reference Library is a collection of over 50 encyclopedias and specialized reference sources for multidisciplinary research including the Arts, Business, Education, Environment, History, Literature, Medicine, Religion, Science and the Social Sciences. You can access these reference materials online from the library or remotely 24/7.


The library's extensive collection of nonfiction books cover the entire spectrum of the school's curriculum: Art, Business, Language Arts, Home Economics, Industrial Technology, Foreign Languages, Mathematics, Music, Science, Physical Education and Social Studies.

Short Story Collections

This collection of books occupy several shelves in the collection and are set aside to facilitate students locating these books. They include short story collections by author or anthologies of famous short stories.


The Media Center has a collection of both hardbound and paperback novels, ranging from the classics to the more popular authors today...from Dickens to Steinbeck...from J.K. Rowling to Stephenie Meyer.

Periodical Collection

The Media Center subscribes to 30 popular magazines, which are on display and available for reading or checkout. Back issues also are available for checkout. Full text access to articles from many of these magazines and hundreds more are available online through MasterFILE Premier or any of the Library's Online Databases. For an A to Z listing of the online databases that students have access to 24/7, click on Databases A to Z.

A Copy Machine with enlargement and reduction capabilities also is available for students to photo copy articles from magazines or books at 10 cents a copy.

DVD/Video Collection

The RHS Library houses a total video collection of over 5,000 videos or DVD's. Students may check out videos for THREE days.


Rosemount High School students can now access eBooks, electronic versions of printed books, using service established with the Minitex Library Information Network. Access to the eBook collection is from the Library's home page. Since eBooks are online, students can browse reference and nonfiction books for research or check them out and read them at their leisure. eBooks are automatically returned at the end of your checkout period.

Interlibrary Loan

Students and faculty may request books and/or journal articles using an Inter Library Loan service established with Minitex Library Information Network. If you have a book you need, that is not available in the District, contact Ms. Semmler in the Media Center, and she will submit your request and contact you when the book or article arrives.

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Dewey Decimal System

Most library books and videos are categorized according to the Dewey Decimal Classification scheme. Dewey Call Numbers usually consist of three numerals followed by a decimal point and one, two or three additional numbers. (For example: 650.19)

Understanding Dewey - offers students an opportunity to acquaint themselves with the Dewey Decimal System.

Below the Dewey number is a "cutter", which consists of the first three letters of the author's last name. The Call Number for each book is located on the spine of the book, and serves as that book's address on the shelf.

Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme

(Click on the above title to search the Internet by Dewey Decimal Subject Areas or browse the Dewey Decimal system)

000-099 General Works
100-199 Philosophy, Psychology, Ethics
200-299 Religion and Mythology
300-399 Social Sciences
400-499 Philology
500-599 Science
600-699 Technology
700-799 Fine Arts
800-899 Literature
900-999 History, Geography, Biography, Travel

Glossary of Library Terms

What is the definition of an abstract? What is Boolean Logic? What is meant by a Cross Reference or a SEE ALSO Reference? Find the answer to these and many other library jargon related terms by clicking on the above link.

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Updated 1/4/2013