Research Guide to Globalization


This page is designed to help you research various aspects of your groups’ role and/or reaction to the forces of Globalization. Your task is to identify what position your group or individual would take during a United Nations sponsored hearing eliciting public responses to globalization. This guide provides you the necessary keywords and subject headings to use to obtain information about your group or individual from the appropriate Library Databases.

Background Statement

Globalization refers to the transformation of the world's economies. Dr. Scott's Globalization Process website addresses several of the key issues related to the globalization process. The economies of individual countries are merging into a single and increasingly integrated world economy or global economy. Such a shift is having a major impact on all aspects of a country's society, including economic, political, environmental, cultural, employment and civil liberties.  For greater understanding of the Globalization Process, read the article on Globalization from the encyclopedia, Everyday Finance in the Gale Virtual Reference Library.

Recommended Subject Headings

Globalization Global Strategy Global Economy
International Relations International Economic Relations World politics

Related Keywords to Use

Your search keywords depend on what organization, group or individual you will be portraying at the
UN Hearing.

Example: If you are a Labor Union leader from Malaysia.
Your search Keywords will be: Labor Unions or Unions AND Malaysia

Example: If you are a business leader with the World Economic Forum
Your search keywords: World Economic Forum AND globalization

Key Reference Books on Globalization

The following reference materials will provide background information on the Globalization movement.

R 330 Eco Vol. 6 Economics (2000). Danbury, CT: Grolier: a division of Scholastic Library.
R 363.7 Enc Encyclopedia of Global Change. (2002). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
R 327.73 Enc Encyclopedia of American Foreign Policy. (2002). New York: Charles Scribner’s Son.

If you are representing a Special Interest Group, check these Reference books for information on your Groups’ Mission, Goals and Objectives.

R 323.4 Nes Encyclopedia of Interest Groups and Lobbyists in the United States. (2000). Armonk, NY: Sharpe Reference.
R 324 Spe Special Interest Group Profiles for Students. (1999). Detroit: Gale Group.

Finding Books and Videos on Globalization

To locate books on various aspects of globalization, click on RHS Catalog from the Library’s Home Page and
type in one of the recommended Subject Headings listed above, for example: globalization, and click on the tab “Search All Words”.

Recommended Research Databases

Encyclopedia Britannica
The Encyclopedia is always a good source to get background information on any of the following topics, organizations or places. For example: Steel Industry, child labor, World Bank, IMF, World Economic Forum, Greenpeace, Bangalore, Malaysia or Kuala Lumpur.

Check out various perspectives of Globalization from a business, legal, ethical or historical point of view in the Gale Virtual Reference Library.

Connect directly to the Information Portal on Globalization in Global Issues in Context. This dynamic database offers a global perspective on international issues, using a variety of sources to analyze social, political, military, economic, environmental, science, health and cultural issues. Sources include: reference documents, 400 full text international magazines and newspapers, academic journals, primary sources, statistics, images, podcasts, audio links and thousands of videos. This database helps you analyze and grasp the global connections and interdependence of all nations.

Examine the environmental impact of globalization, search GREENR. The Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources focuses on the physical, social, and economic aspects of environmental issues.

Click here to access the Globalization Information Portal within GREENR.

Opposing Viewpoints
This Database will provide you with viewpoints, both PRO and CON, on how Globalization is impacting society, developing nations, the poor, human rights, etc.
1. Type in "Globalization" in the search bar. There are 77 viewpoints persented.
2. Click on the Magazine Tab to review the list of articles dealing with various aspects of globalization.
3. Click on the Academic Journal Tab to obtain a more indepth analysis of globalization.

Business Source Premier or Academic Search Premier
1. Select the keywords from the role you will be portraying and choose either Business Source Premier or Academic Search Premier. These databases will provide you with articles from journals, magazine and trade publications.
As examples:

Labor unions AND Malaysia = 29 hits (Business Source Premier) or change one of your keywords
AND Malaysia = 45 hits (Business Source Premier)

Nike AND globalization = 19 hits (Business Source Premier)
AND globalization = 16 hits (Academic Search Premier)

World Economic Forum AND globalization = 65 hits (Business Source Premier)

Web Resources on Globalization

Challenges of Globalization - This publication from the U.S. Department of State looks at globalization from many different perspectives.
Global Envision -
You will find information here on people's views around the world, what the limits to globalization are, and more.
Global Policy Forum
- Learn about globalization in the areas of the economy, politics, culture and law.
Greenpeaceinternational organization actively fighting to protect the environment.
International Monetary Fund - IMF Home Page
Rainforest Action Network
protects forests and the rights of their inhabitants by campaigning to break America’s oil addiction, promote sustainable logging, and bring green ethics to Wall Street.
United States Trade Representative Office
- building prosperity through trade.
Wiser Earth - An international directory that provides portals to hundreds of thousands of organizations, addressing such issues as: agriculture, democracy, human rights, peace, poverty, social justice, and the environment.
The World Bank - a vital source of financial and technical assistance to developing countries around the world.
World Bank Globalization
- the World Bank's Globalization site.
World Trade Organization - history, goals and objectives of the WTO.

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Updated 5/28/13