Research Guide to Family Issues


Develop a 2 to 3 page informational fact sheet about a specific issue/problem. Your Fact Sheet should include the following sections or content areas (depending on your topic): definition, statistics, facts, causes, warning or danger signs, prevention, cure, solution and its affect on others.

Library Resources - Print

RHS Book Catalog
Many of the issues/topics you will be researching are covered in depth by subject-specific Encyclopedias or in books and videos. To locate a book on your topic, go to the RHS Catalog, and do a keyword search for your topic.

For example, the issue of Depression/Suicide is a topic that is covered in-depth in the Encyclopedia of Psychology. Or information on the issue of Infertility can be found in the Encyclopedia of Medicine. Other Reference sources include:

R 301 Bor - Desk Encyclopedia of sociology. New York: Macmillan Reference. 2000.
R 362.29 Enc-DESK Encyclopedia of drugs and alcohol. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, c1995.
R 362.1 Enc DESK Encyclopedia of public health. New York: Macmillan Reference USA c2002.  
R 362.509 Enc-DESK Encyclopedia of Homelessness. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2004.
R 616.003 Hum - DESK Human diseases and conditions. New York: C. Scribner's Sons, 2000.

Online access to several Subject Encyclopedias is available via the. . .

Gale Virtual Reference Library

Statistical Resources

Information Plus Reference Series - provides statistical data and factual information on a variety of topics, from Abortion, Alcohol & Tobacco, American Family, Child Abuse, Death & Dying, Gambling, Growing Up, Growing Old in America, Health, Health Care System, Homelessness, Illegal Drugs, Nutrition, Weight in America, Social Welfare, Women’s Changing Roles, Youth Violence and Violent Relationships.

Statistical Abstract of the United States

Library Research Databases
The following online research databases will provide you with the necessary information you need to produce your informational Fact Sheet. . .

Opposing Viewpoints in Context   
One-stop source for information on any social issue. Includes viewpoint articles, topic overviews, statistics, primary documents, links to websites, and full-text magazine and newspaper articles.

Science in Context
If your topic deals with health or medical related issues, the Science Resource Center will provide you with authoritative information on your topic from the scientific community. Sources include reference articles, scientific journals and magazine articles.

Health & Wellness Resource Center
In-depth resources covering all aspects of Health & Wellness. This database incorporates Reference resources; full text health and medical related academic journals and magazines, medical brochures/pamphlets; NY Times Science section and other newspapers.

Psychology Collection
If you want to analyze or locate information on the psychological aspects of your Family Issue, give this new Psychology database a try.

Note: Health & Wellness Resource Center and the Psychology Collection each allow you to do a Subject Guide search, which enables you to view articles dealing with specific Subdivisions of your main topic. For example: some of the Subdivisions for Birth Defects or Eating Disorders include:

analysis forecasts and trends prognosis
case studies genetic aspects psychological aspects
care and treatment history research
causes of personal narratives statistics
diagnosis physiological aspects testing

Global Issues in Context
This unique database will provide you with a global perspective on your topic.

Points of View Reference Center
This database will provide you with key facts, pro and con points of view, primary source materials, radio and TV news transcripts, images

MasterFILE Premier
This multidisciplinary database provides full text for more than 2,053 periodicals covering general reference, business, health, education, general science, multicultural issues and much more.

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Updated 4/26/13