MLA & APA Examples for Citing Your Sources

RHS Citation Guide
(This is a .pdf file)
RHS Citation Guide
(This is a .pdf file)

Citation Sources

NoodleTools - District wide subscription to this bibliographic tool for citations, notetaking, outlining and annotations.
- fully automatic bibliography maker that auto or manually fills. It will build a works cited page for you.
Citation Builder - illustrates how to cite some common resources in the APA, MLA, CBE/CSE, and Chicago citation styles from the University of North Carolina.
Citation Machine
- interactive web tool that assembles bibliographic elements into MLA and APA format.

EasyBib - free automatic bibliography and citation maker (APA, MLA, Chicago, Turabian).
Knight Cite - interactive web tool providing APA, MLA and Chicago style templates.

Style Guide Sites
RHS Assignment Guide - examples of Daily and Formal, including essays, themes and reports.

(In Text) Citation Guide
MLA in Text Citations from Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age, 5th Edition, by Diana Hacker and Barbara Fister.
APA in Text Citations from Research and Documentation in the Electronic Age, 5th Edition, by Diana Hacker and Barbara Fister.

MLA Related Sites
MLA Citation Examples - provides bibliographic and "intext citation" examples in MLA format.
MLA Citation Basics - help teach your students the: Fundamentals of MLA citation, MLA examples of popular sources, MLA web rules, MLA parenthetical citations.
MLA Format: Giving Credit To Sources - Modern Language Association style guide
MLA Format - online guide with examples showing how to cite electronic sources using MLA Style.
MLA Guide - a 16 page Guide to basic MLA citations from EasyBib.

APA Related Sites
APA Citation Examples - full bibliographic and "intext citation" examples in the APA format.
APA Style - a summary of the APA writing style for research papers.
APA Style - American Psychological Association's Style page.
APA Style Research Guide - includes how to cite various types of sources developed by Radford University.
Citing Sources - Documentation Guidelines for citing sources and avoiding plagiarism.
Chicago Style - Chicago Manual of Style.
Research & Documentation - APA and MLA examples of in-text citations and citing sources.
Works Cited - provides examples from Turabian, Chicago, MLA and APA Style Manuals.

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