Astronomy Projects Resource Pathfinder

Select an Astronomy topic you would like to investigate. The topic can be a historical event or a current event, an idea that has survived scientific scrutiny or an idea that has not survived. It can be controversial. The objective of this assignment is to help you better understand space science concepts and/or its theories.
You will need to evaluate the validity of the idea and analyze the technological, economical and environmental impact it has had on society.

Background Statement:
The study of Astronomy and Space Science looks at our universe and what we know about it. This subject area covers the entire history of man, from ancient times to modern day. It examines the heavens, constellations, galaxies, famous astronomers, and the equipment and methods used to study the heavens. Topics can include: the Space Station, Hubble Telescope, space debris, life on mars, UFO's, extraterrestrial life, time travel and more.

You need a minimum of three different sources, a book, magazine or journal article, video/DVD or a legitimate website. This Pathfinder is designed to assist you in your exploration of the topic you have chosen....

RHS Library Print and Video Resources

Searching the RHS Book Catalog is a quick way of locating information on Astronomy.  There may be a book dealing specifically with your topic or it will be covered in a chapter or section of the book.

1.  Click on the RHS Book Catalog
2. Type in your topic and click on Subject or Keyword

What is your Topic or Subject?

For Example:  a keyword search for "extraterrestrial" in the library catalog = 21 books and videos

NOTE: The majority of books on Astronomy will be classified in the 520's of the Dewey Decimal system and books on the Space program will primarily be located in the 620's.  A few examples of books & videos on various aspects of astronomy in our collection include:

Q 629.4 Eva-Desk Space exploration: triumphs and tragedies. Detroit: Gale Cengage Learning, c2011.
Q 629.454 Rey Apollo: the epic journey to the moon. New York: Harcourt, c2002.
R 509 Sci Schlager, Neil. (ed).  Science and Its Times: Understanding the social significance of scientific discovery.  Farmington Hills, MI: The Gale Group.  2001.   This set places your discovery or topic in context with history and society. It is available ONLINE.
R 505.5 Spa v.1-DESK Space Sciences. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2002.
Covers: space business, planetary science and astronomy, human space exploration, and future space exploration.
DVD 629.4 Spa Space Exploration. Disney Educational Productions, 2004.
629.47 Edw The Space Elevator. Houston, TX: BC Edwards, c2003.

Online Databases for Science Research

The library has several online databases, which will provide you with information, images and video clips on your topic. The Encyclopedia Britannica is a good place to begin your research in order to obtain background information on your topic.

I.  Click on Encyclopedia Britannica from the Library's Home Page.

  1. Britannica will provide you with an indepth article along with images you can use in your powerpoint presentation or report, as well as video clips on various aspects of Space Exploration or Astronomy.
  2. For example, a search of the topic, Space Exploration, brings up the following entry.
  3. Click on Article to view the entire article, or clicking on Images will bring up a selection of photographs and the Multimedia link provides several video clips that you can use in your presentation.

Space exploration  




The investigation, by means of manned and unmanned spacecraft, of the reaches of the universe beyond Earth's atmosphere and the use of the information so gained to increase knowledge of the cosmos ...
Article  | Images  | Index Entry  | Multimedia  | Tables 

This Subject Encyclopedia Database is a great resource to obtain Background information on your Space or Astronomy related topic.

II. Global Issues in Context will provide an international perspective to your space and/or astronomy related topic. Great source for images.

III. will provide you with full text articles from Science related magazines and journals.

IV Looking for a famous Astronomer or Scientist, select Biography in Context.

IV.  Science Reference Center

V. Science and its Times will enable you to analyze the environmental, economic and technological aspects of your topic on society. You can access Science and Its Times by clicking on the
Gale Virtual Reference Library

VI. In Expanded Academic you will also be able to locate articles that will discuss the environmental, economic and technological impact of your space or astronomy topic. Click on
Subject Guide Search in the orange bar near the top of the screen.

Internet Resources

The U.S. Government is a primary resource for many Space Science topics.  Searching will bring up technical reports from several Government agencies or departments, including the Department of Defense, Department of Energy, EPA and NASA. (Astronomy & Space)

World Wide Science - searches 52 databases and information portals from 56 countries.

Below are links to NASA, the Planets, Galaxies, Hubble Telescope and more with plenty of images.

3D of the Solar System - a 3-D environment full of real NASA mission data. Explore the cosmos, hop on an asteroid, or Fly with NASA's Voyager spacecraft. See the entire solar system moving in real time. You control space and time.
Astronomy Images
- a Planetary Photojournal of images and data from NASA's planetary missions.
Cassini Solstice Mission - image gallery.
Einstein's Archives - an itemized database of approximately 81,000 of Einstein's professional writings and personal correspondence.
Galaxies - images from Hubble show multiple collisions of ultra-luminous infrared galaxies.
Hubble Telescope - some of the best photos taken by the Hubble telescope
Mars Orbiter Official Site - covers the accident, history & overview of the mission, and access to other Mars sites.
Mars Orbiter Image Gallery
The Nine Planets
NASA Homepage - National Aeronautic and Space Administration.
NASA History of Space Flight Films
NASA Images - collection of historic photographs, films, and video available to the public for the first time.
Challenger Space Shuttle Accident - Congressional Hearings & Reports from the Space Shuttle Accident.
Columbia Space Shuttle - NASA honors the Columbia Space Shuttle and crew members.
PhotoJournal - image gallery of the planets and the universe.
Roswell Reports - reports explaining the Air Force's version of the events.
Solar System Exploration - celebrates the amazing discoveries of numerous NASA missions as they explore our planetary neighbors and probe the outer edges of our solar system.
Space Elevator - NASA explains this revolutionary concept for getting from Earth into Space.
Space Reference - a wide array of space resources, also features breaking news, full text briefs from NASA.
Space Science - NASA's Space Science Enterprise is trying to answer some of humanity's oldest and deepest questions. Our quest is to know our cosmic origins and destiny.
Stargazers to Starships - explores the Earth's motion in space, Newtonian mechanics and spaceflight.
Stardust Project - NASA mission devoted to retrieving extraterrestrial matter outside the orbit of the Moon.
UNISPACE III - UN Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space.
Universe Today - space exploration news from around the Internet.

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Updated 5/2/14