Trends Analysis Research Guide


The Trends Analysis Paper gives a history of a phenomenon in contemporary culture. It includes an analysis of what the trend is, what has caused its changes over time, and what are its social, economic and political consequences. You will document the description and analysis beyond personal observations and anecdotal knowledge. In other words, you must prove that the trend exists through historical analysis and statistical data. NOTE: it is important to make the distinction between a trend and a fad. A trend is "the general movement over a sufficiently long period of time of some statistical progressive change." Research and analyze a current cultural trend.

Keywords or Subject Headings to locate Books on Trends

Cultural Trends Forecasting Future Forecasting
Future in Popular Culture Social Indicators Social Prediction
Technological forecasting Trends Twenty-first Century -- forecasts

Key Books for Identifying Trend Topics

R 303.49 Enc Encyclopedia of the Future. (1996).
R 306.097 Soc Social Trends & Indicators USA. (2003).
R 307 Enc Encyclopedia of Community: from the village to the virtual world.
R 973.9 Stj St. James Encyclopedia of Popular Culture. (2000).
Desk Information Plus Reference Series. (2010). Detroit, MI: Gale Cengage.
Each issue provides comprehensive summaries, statistics and factual iinformation on topics including: animal rights, career opportunities, crime, environment, energy, national security, transportation, recreation and dozens of other topics.
303.49 Lae Laermer, Richard. 2011: Trendspotting for the next decade. New York: McGraw-Hill, c2008.
303.497 Pen Penn, Mark J. Microtrends: the small forces behind tomorrow's big changes. New York: Twelve, 2007.

E-Books for Identifying Trend Topics

Global trends 2025: a transformed world
Global trends 2015: a dialogue about the future with nongovernment experts

Library Databases to use in Identifying a Trends Topic

Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center
in Context
Global Issues in Context
Resources in Context

Finding Books on your Trend

RHS Catalog
University of Minnesota Catalog
U of M Databases CLICnet
Catalog for 8 private colleges and universities in St. Paul & Mnpls
Catalog of books and other materials from libraries worldwide.

Primary & Secondary Research Databases

You will be conducting research using both the RHS and the University of MN Research Databases. You need to obtain factual information on the historical aspect of your trend, case studies, research reports and statistical information to show the growth of your trend over time. The library’s databases will provide you with this kind of information. Your topic will determine which databases should be used. To obtain background information and a historical perspective on your trend topic, a subject encyclopedia is an excellent place to begin.

Gale Virtual Reference Library
This database incorporates over 100 subject specific encyclopedias. A great place to obtain background information on a trends topic.

University of Minnesota Indexes and Databases

RHS Databases (note: several of the databases will be accessible from both the University and RHS)

Academic Search Premier Alt HealthWatch Business Source Premier
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition
EBSCO GreenFile
Consumer Health Complete PubMed Science Reference Center

Subject Resource Centers

Using any of the following Resource Centers allows you to search your trend and to locate articles dealing with specific aspects of that trend. For example, if your trend is Outsourcing, you can obtain articles on analysis, case studies, causes of, economic aspects, forecasts and trends, political aspects, research, social aspects and statistics.



Each of the Databases above allow you to conduct a Subject Search and to narrow your subject by subdivision. One of the standard subdivisions is Statistics.


Statistical Resources

One of the best means to document or to prove a trend exists is through the use of statistics. The primary source of all statistics is the United States Government and the US Census Bureau.
Statistical Abstract of the United States
is a goldmine of statistical data.

Global Issues in Context, GREENR and Opposing Viewpoints all provide a Statistical Section for most of the subjects they cover.

Other Statistical Resources include:
Government Documents

Web Resources for Trend Analysis

Trends to Watch
Tracks new trends that emerge across a wide range of public policy concerns, including economic competitiveness, education, the environment, the democratic process and government performance.

Ranking America
How the United States stands in global rankings in a variety of categories.

Worldwatch Institute
Worldwatch Institute is an independent research organization recognized by opinion leaders around the world for its accessible, fact-based analysis of critical global issues.

Social Issues Research Center
Social Issues Research Center is an independent, not-for-profit organization. They conduct research on a wide range of social topics and combine qualitative and quantitative methods with analysis.

DaVinci Institute
A non-profit, futurist think tank, the Institute has emerged as a center of visionary thought.

Computers and Social Change
This web site provides in-depth articles about the different types of social changes, and what effects the computer has had on these social changes in recent years.

Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends
A strategic technology is one with the potential for significant impact on the enterprise in the next three years.

Trends in Technology
This site contains links to many surveys with predictions about the future of technology.

Tech/Industry Trends
A listing of current technology industry trends that link to articles from PC World magazine.

National Intelligence Council Global Trends 2025
Conferences to identify key global trends and their impact on major regions and countries of the globe.

National Security Trends Analysis
Targeting U.S. Technologies: A Trend Analysis of Cleared Industry Reporting.

Trends Research Insitute
Follows economic, business, consumer, baby boomer, travel, investment, labor, social, medical, marketing, recreation, leisure time, environmental, political, etc. Covers trends in any area. Great website for Trend Topics.

One of the world's leading trend firms, scans the globe for emerging consumer trends, insights and innovations.

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Last Updated 3/31/14