(The Creation of Adam, Michelangelo, Sistine Chapel 1508-1512)

The Renaissance

The word "Renaissance" comes from the French word for 'rebirth'. It characterizes the cultural and intellectual developments between the years 1350 to 1600. Artists and thinkers of the Renaissance believed that classical art, science, philosophy and literature was lost during the "dark ages" following the fall of Rome. The Renaissance is the rebirth of those ideals. The Renaissance, by in large, began in Italy, where the ruins of ancient civilization provided a continual reminder of the classical past.

In this research paper you will thoroughly investigate a person from the Renaissance and how he/she contributed to the ideals of the Renaissance. Your research question will be: How did (artist's name) create or achieve the ideals of the Renaissance through his/her art/design/writing/building or exploring?

Library Resources - Print

Starting Point for selecting a Renaissance Artist
A Renaissance Encyclopedia or an Art Encyclopedia are two excellent sources for identifying and selecting an artist for this project. Once you have identified and selected a Renaissance artist, your first step is to get some background information on that artist. The best source for background information is that encyclopedia you used to find an artist.

Finding Background Information on your Artist
The RHS Library has several excellent Subject Encyclopedias both in print and online for you to locate background information about your artist.

R 940.2 ENC V.1-5 Encyclopedia of the Renaissance. Charles Scribner's Sons, c1999.
R 709.02 Gro v. 1-3 The Grove encyclopedia of northern Renaissance art. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.
R 940.2
Ren v.1-4
The Renaissance: an encyclopedia for students. Detroit: Thomson/Gale, c2004
R 703 Lan Schirmer encyclopedia of art. Detroit, MI: Gale Group, 2002.
R 703 Enc Encyclopedia of world art. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959c1983.

Library Resources - Online
A General Encyclopedia set, such as Britannica Online also would be a good place to obtain background information on your artist.

Subject Encyclopedias covering both Art and History are excellent sources. You can access these speciality encyclopedias via

Other Library Research Databases (great sources for Renaissance artists and works of art)

Biography in Context
Comprehensive database for biographical information. Provides lengthy, narrative biographies, magazine, newspaper articles and additional resources about your Renaissance Artist.
Discovering Collection
A comprehensive historical database with indepth information from the areas of Literature, History, Biographies, Science, and Social Studies. May include images of paintings.
Student Resources in Context
This database includes reference material, full-text periodicals and newspapers, primary sources, and creative works.

Searching for examples of your artist's works, try searching

CAMIO® Catalog of Art Museum Images Online
An online collection documenting works of art from around the world, representing the collections of prominent museums.

Web Resources

Key Innovations and Artists of the Italian Renaissance
Art History: Renaissance in Italy
La Renaissance
The Italian Renaissance
Italian Painting of the 15th century
Renaissance Art and Architecture
Florentine Art and Architecture
Images of Renaissance Art: Italian Painting

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