How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

What is It?

A carbon footprint is a measure of the impact our activities have on the environment, and in particular climate change. It relates to the amount of greenhouse gases produced in our day-to-day lives through burning fossil fuels for electricity, heating and transportation etc.

Scope of Assignment

Students will be researching the following aspects regarding our Carbon Footprint:

I.  What is a Carbon Footprint?
Students will calculate their own carbon footprint and determine ways to reduce it.

Check out the Minnesota Energy Challenge and Carbon Footprint Calculator

II.  What is the Carbon Footprint of Rosemount High School and How can it be reduced?

III.  What are the main energy sources for Minnesota, the United States and the World?

IV. What are the costs and benefits of available Energy Sources?
(Identify the keywords from these questions and use the online databases linked below to find magazine and journal articles that will help answer these questions.)

RHS Library Print and Video Resources

The RHS Library has a number of recent print titles that will help you address questions 3 and 4 listed above. Click on the RHS Catalog from the Library's Home Page and choose one of the following Subject Headings to locate print resources that address your questions.

Recommended Subject Headings to use in locating appropriate materials to answer the questions:

Renewable energy resources
See Also Narrower Terms: Solar Energy or Wind Power
Renewable energy sources

Energy resources
See Also Narrower Terms: Energy Consumption or Energy Conservation
Environmental protection
Environmental responsibility
Green movement
Green Revolution
Green Technology

Power resources

Print Resources - here are just a few print resources that will help you address the questions listed above.

304.209 Owe Owen, D. (2009). Green metropolis: why living smaller, living closer, and driving less are keys to sustainability. New York: Riverhead Books.
333.79 Alt Schlager, Neil and Jayne Weisblatt (ed.). (2006). Alternative energy. Detroit : U·X·L, Thomson/Gale.
363.7 Bjo Bjornlund, L. (2009). Going Green. Detroit: Lucent Books.
363.738 Che Chevat, R. (2009). Al Gore Our choice: how we can solve the climate crisis. New York: Viking Press.

Or try one of these Environmental Encyclopedias from the Gale Virtual Reference Library.


Online Databases for Energy Conservation Research

(Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources)

The Global Reference on the Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources focuses on the physical, social, and economic aspects of environmental issues. Topic, organization and country portals form research centers around issues covering energy systems, health care, agriculture, climate change, population, and economic development.

Search Strategy
1. Click on Ecological Footprint.
2. This opens the Information Portal on the topic of Ecological Footprint, which includes: video clips, podcasts, images, reference articles, statistics, newspaper, magazine and journal articles, with links to case studies and websites, such as Carbon Footprint Calculator and the Global Footprint Network.
3. Information Portals on various energy resources also are provided:

Biofuel Coal Geothermal Hydroelectric Natural Gas
Nuclear Petroleum Renewable Energy Solar Wind

EBSCO GreenFile
A database deals exclusively with environmental concerns, on such topics as global warming, natural resources, energy conservation, pollution and more. GreenFILE covers content going back more than 35 years from Bioscience, Journal of Environmental Planning & Management , Journal of Ecology and Conservation Biology. The full text of any articles in this database can be requested by your librarian.

Search Strategies
1. Conduct an advanced search in EBSCO GreenFile, Science Resource Center or any of the other databases listed below.
2. Use the following combination of keywords to obtain articles that will help you answer the questions listed above.

energy conservation AND home
net zero AND home
renewable energy AND home
or try
renewable energy AND school

Search the Science in Context Database using the search Widget above
This in-depth resource covers all scientific disciplines: Earth Science, Life Sciences, Physical Science, Space Science, Science as Inquiry, Science and Technology, and the History of Science. Incorporates 150 full text academic journals and magazines, NY Times Science section, 9 other newspapers and wire services, Gale reference titles, 8,000 multimedia records and over 500 links to science web sites.

General Science Collection
1. Conduct a Subject Search using the term: Alternative Energy or Renewable Energy
Consists of over 200 journals encompassing the most popular scientific titles, including: Scientific American, Archeology, Physics Today, Info Today, Mathematics Magazine and many more. This resource provides researchers with the information on the latest scientific developments -- in regards to energy related issues.

MasterFILE Premier  
This multidisciplinary database provides full text for more than 2,050 general reference publications and magazines dating back to 1975. Includes more than 350 reference books, 84,000 biographies, 86,132 primary source documents, and an Image Collection of 107,135 photos.

Opposing Viewpoints
Today's hottest topics are explored in a unique pro/con format.  Integrates full text articles, statistics, topic overviews, primary and secondary sources, web sites and images.

Search Strategy
Type in the term Power Resources. You will find articles that address the pros and cons of various renewable and nonrenewable energy sources, including: fossil fuels, coal, hydrogen, wind, solar, etc.

This index from the National Agricultural Library is available both on and off campus. It covers every major agricultural subject, including agricultural engineering and marketing, environmental pollution, farm management, foods and feeds, pesticides, organic farming and foods.

Recommended Web Sites

Alliance for Sustainability - learn about, and live a more sustainable lifestyle.
Carbon FootPrint - a leading carbon management consulting firm.

Charlottesville, VA - example of a Green City.
Cities Go Green - Answers the question, How can local governments become sustainable as quickly and effectively as possible?
Daily Green - consumer guide to the green revolution.
Database of State Incentives for Renewable Energy (DSIRE) - comprehensive source of information on state, local, utility and federal incentives and policies that promote renewable energy and energy efficiency.
DOE Green Energy - site is designed to ease access to green energy R&D information for use by researchers, scientists, educators, students and the general public.
Earth 911 - environmental services company with solutions for products' end-of-life for both businesses and consumers.
E-Cycling - features the importance to reuse and recycle electronics.
Eureka Recycling - one of the largest nonprofit recyclers in the United States and a leader in demonstrating the best waste reduction and recycling practices not only for the Twin Cities metro area, but for the nation.
Environmental Defense Fund - a leading national nonprofit organization linking science, economics and law to create innovative, equitable and cost-effective solutions to society's most urgent environmental problems.
Global Footprint Network - promotes a sustainable future where all people have the opportunity to live satisfying lives within the means of one planet.
Good Guide - find safe, healthy and green products.
Green Answers - ask, answer and learn about your environment.
Green Guardian - biological Lawn Solutions company.
Green Peace - Greenpeace slide show following the e-waste trail from the UK to Nigeria.
LEED Certification - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) is a nationally accepted organization for design, operation and construction of high performance green buildings.
Rethink Recycling - go to guide for waste and recycling in the Twin Cities.
Schools Cutting Carbon - helping schools in the state of Minnesota save money and reduce their carbon footprints through online tools, technical assistance, and mini-grants.
Skin Deep - a safety guide to cosmetics and personal care products from researchers at the Environmental Working Group.
Tim Jackson's Economic Reality Check - Video clip studying the links between lifestyle, societal values and the environment to question the primacy of economic growth.
Toxic E-Waste - view video of the 60 minutes story on danger of recycling electronics.
Union of Concerned Scientists - leading science-based nonprofit working for a healthy environment and a safer world.
Urban Green Council - the new New York City Green Codes.
U.S. Green Building Council - Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design certification program encourages and accelerates global adoption of sustainable green building and development practices.
Waste at EPA - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency with suggestions on what each of us can do to preserve our environment.

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Updated 1/30/12