CP Biology Article Summary Pathfinder

Assignment Objectives

  • Enrich the students' discovery of relevant science issues in today's world.
  • Enhance writing literacy skills, focusing on appropriate curriculum content.
  • Expand the depth of understanding on topics covered and discussed in class.
  • Provide students the opportunity to select topics of interest to them regarding
    science topics in today's world.

Scope of Assignment

Students will find and write summary essays on 6 different articles from any science magazine or journal, based
on any of the relevant topics listed below or any topic related to a scientific issue discussed in class. Select a
different topic for each article. The articles used must be directly related to the topics covered in class during the trimester. The articles must deal with the science behind the topic, and not the social issues surrounding any of the topic issues. If you choose a topic not included in the list, please have the topic approved by your teacher.

The article you select from the resources below must be full text. And a copy of the article must be included with your essay. The essay must be at least one page in length. Be sure to select an article that is long enough for you to write at least one full page. Your essay must include an Introduction, the Main body of the paper (should include several paragraphs) and a Conclusion. Refer to the last page of the assignment on how to organize and structure your essay.

Topic Keywords

DNA Genetics Genetic Disorders Genetic Engineering Gene Therapy
Heredity Human Genome Mitosis & Meiosis Protein Synthesis Stem Cells

Finding a Full Text Journal or Magazine Article

The following databases are accessible 24/7 and will provide you with plenty of choices for articles to use in
writing your summary essays. NOTE: Read the instructions on how to obtain a full text article from each of the following databases. Be sure to select a full text article from your list of results.

This indepth Database covers all aspects of scientific research and provides access to thousands of articles from over 350 full text science journals and magazines.

1. Select a topic from the list above and Click on Science Resource Center.
2. Type in your topic in the Subject Search line.
3. If the term you selected is included in the list of topic headings (e.g. Genetics, DNA,
Stem Cells)
just click on that term and all articles dealing with that particular subject will come up.
4. Click on the tab heading: Magazines or Academic Journals.
5. Each article will indicate if it is full text or just an abstract . Be sure to select an article that is full text.

This Resource Center provides you with health related articles on any of the subjects listed above from over 700 health and medical journals.

1. Click on the Health & Wellness link to the left and type in one of the topics from the list.
(For example: gene therapy)
2. You'll receive information from Reference sources, Magazines & Journals and Pamphlets.
3. Click on the Tab entitled Magazines & Journals.
4. In the left hand column, you will see that you can narrow your topic of Gene Therapy by subdivisions. Click on Narrow by Subdivision. This will bring up a list of subheadings pertaining to Gene Therapy.
5. Click on one of the subheadings of interest to you to bring up articles related to that issue.

General Science Collection

This database includes a collection of over 200 journals, providing researchers with the information needed to stay current on the latest scientific developments -- including such topics as biology, cytology, evolutionary biology, forensic biology, biophysics and much more.

1. Click on the General Science Collection to the left and select Brows Subjects in the orange banner. Then type in one of the topics from the list above, for example "Gene Therapy".
2. This search strategy will take you to a Subject Index. Look for your topic "gene therapy".
3. Underneath your main topic you will be able to View Subdivisions.
4. This approach enables you to drill down to view articles that deal specifically with various aspects of gene therapy, such analysis, ethical aspects, methods, physiological aspects or current research.

Academic Search Premier


This database will provide you access to full text articles from more than 4,600 scholarly publications.

1. Select a topic from the list above and click on the Academic Search Premier link.
2. From the Advanced Search Screen, type in the topic of your choice.
3. For example, type mitosis in the first search bar AND type meiosis in the second search bar.
4. Put a Checkmark in the box next to Full Text and click on Search.
5. You will receive more than 100 full text articles from Academic Journals and magazines.

MasterFile Premier


Using this multidisciplinary database, you will be able to locate articles from 89 different biology related publications and other science magazines, such as Scientific American; Discover; Science News.

1. Select a topic from the list above and click on the MasterFile Premier link.
2. From the Advanced Search Screen, type in your topic.
For example: type in protein synthesis in the first search bar.
3. Limit your results by placing a Checkmark in the box next to Full Text , located just below the Search bars. Click on Search.
4. You will obtain over 170 full text articles from which to choose.