<% 'Category should be "Home", "About", "Academics", "Activities", "Athletics", "Media Center", "People", '"Student Services", "Today", or just leave it blank if it doesn't fall in to a category. 'Sites should be categorized as best as possible. Category = "Student Services" 'insert your category between the quotes. 'Enter page header here: PageHeader = "High Potential Mission Objectives and Purpose" 'insert your page header between the quotes. %>
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Eastview High School Career Center Office (952) 431-8915

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Eastview High School

High Potential Program


          Enable every student in the High Potential Program to reach his/her full




        Foster social , emotional, and career development through a  proactive

   developmental counseling program designed to meet the needs of gifted and

   talented students.  The high potential program focuses on academic needs,

   social and emotional issues and college and career planning.



        The District Office provided the definition and identification criteria.  High

    potential students in grades 9-12 will be identified and serviced through

    this program, with potential additions to and subtractions from the program

    based on an annual review.



  •           to identify high potential students

  •         to help high potential students and their parents understand the

  •          implications of high potential

  •          to help students maximize their potential

  •          provide a specialized career and college placement program

  •          to improve the self-concept of the student

  •          to help students develop a personal career and college planning


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