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EVHS Guidance Office

Internet Resources for College Information

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To find a college's homepage, check out one of the following Web sites:

College Home Page Search (
One of the first and oldest college home page search sites. Over 3,000 colleges are contained in its database!
University Home Page Search (
Home page search with over 3,000 colleges in the database!
American Universities (
Direct links to the home pages of over 700 American universities!
College Search by State (
A simple search by state.
Yahoo's College Directory (
One of the most popular and easy ways to find and link to a particular college, along with dozens of indices, including the college's e-mail address, departments, and student clubs.
Colleges That Change Lives
Based on the book by Loren Pope and filled with information, first hand experiences and dynamic graphics, this website offers a unique perspective on these forty
remarkable liberal arts colleges.
Yahoo Directory to Universities Abroad
Home pages of universities outside the United States.
International Directory of Universities(
Updated monthly - provides comprehensive international directory of universities with links to home pages.

To find a college's e-mail directory, try:

College Alumni Pages (
Links to college alumni pages. Find e-mail addresses for college graduates from various colleges.
Alumni Net ( )
Direct access to alums who have volunteered their e-mail addresses.

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Top college searches on the Web:

College Board Online ( )
Use the award-winning college search software ExPAN online free! Includes information about all two-year and four-year colleges in the United States, plus the complete text of The College Handbook.The superb homepage leads the student through an online interview and builds a list of colleges to match interest and qualifications. It includes a financial aid calculator, a schedule of college testing dates, and convenient online SAT Registration.
CollegeEdge ( )
Advice and information on researching, applying, and going to college. Search alphabetically for and college on the Web!
The College Guide (
Student-oriented site offering electronic links to colleges, admission advice, a searchable database, and general information about college life.
CollegeNet (
Searchable database of colleges, scholarships, and academic resources. Comprehensive college/university index with good graphics.
CollegeView ( )
Database of 3,300 two-year and four-year colleges with multimedia "tours." Gives a general overview of a college, plus a direct e-mail option for requesting additional information.
CollegeXpress (
Search colleges by state, major, and other factors. Take a virtual tour of some colleges and ask their "experts" questions about the college admission process.
Power Students Network ( )
Unique features of this site include a question and answer column called "Ask the Admission Gods", Student Diaries, and college discussion forums with topics such as parental pressures, taking college entrance tests, and other academic and non-academic concerns of college students.
Catapult ( )
College sites are arranged by specific subjects such as architecture or business.
FishNet ( )
Information about colleges; create a profile of yourself to send to colleges; ask questions of their admissions expert; get information about paying for college.
Peterson's Education Center ( )
Peterson's college database and other educational and career information.
Resource Pathways College Information Community ( )
Offers ranking and "star" evaluations of college admission and financial aid resources.
Jesuit Colleges and Universities (
AJCUnet helps you search for, link to, and request an application from Jesuit colleges and universities in the United States.
GoCollege ( )
Search for colleges, electronic applications to 850 universities, ACT/SAT online practice. Also, scholarship searches.
Making College Count (
Making College Count: How to Succeed in and After College.
College Advice ( )
Many helpful tips for college planning and selection.
College Counselor ( )
Reviews your courses, your grades, your test scores, and your extra-curriculars, then helps you estimate your admission chances at over 300 colleges.
Kaplan's College Site ( )
Kaplan's interactive college game site to help you learn about the "real" college experience.
College Search ( )
College search information and SAT preparation section.

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Financial Aid and Scholarship Info on the World Wide Web

Scholarship Sites:
Database of scholarships, grants, fellowships, and loans.
Student Financial Assistance( )
College Net( )
Scholarships available in database based on profile you enter.
CollegeView( )
Financial aid section and scholarship search database.
College Board Fund Finder( )
Complete a personal profile, and the FUND FINDER will match your qualifications with the requirements for scholarships, grants, internships, and loans.
U.S. Department of Education
( )
Go College( )
Scholarship searches.
Student Financial Aid
Government sources of student aid.
Financial Aid Sites:
Free Application for Federal Student Aid ( )
Provides information on federal financial aid, tips for completing a FAFSA application.
FAFSA Online( )
Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid on the Web.
Federal Government Program
Federal government program for health professionals willing to trade significant federal aid for a commitment to work in an underserved areas. 
College Board Online
( )
Financial aid information for parents and students.
Commercial Loans for Students
Student Financial Aid
Excellent links to Internet sources of information about student financial aid.
Financial Aid by State
( )
College planning guides, electronic applications, federal loan information, and links to financial aid opportunities organized by state.
Mapping Your Future
College and career advice to parents, high school students and college students.Sponsors live chats with college, career, and financial aid experts.
Money Magazine
( )
Click on "College" to get information about college financial aid from Money Magazine.
College Savings Plan
Go to "Calculators" section and pull down the "Savings and Investing" menu and look for "What will it take to save for a college education". Find out how your current college savings plan measures up.


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Community and Two-Year Colleges

Community Colleges
Web U.S. Higher Education
University Links
Community College Web
Two-Year Colleges

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Minority College Search Sites
Historically Black Colleges
List of 143 historically black colleges in the United States and other colleges with predominantly black enrollment
African American Student Links
Educational information and home pages of historically black colleges, African-American student groups, links to non-college resources.

The National Scholarship Service (NSSFNS) was established  to assist students in gaining access to and graduate from America's post secondary institutions.

Link to Hillel, national organization of Jewish college students, chapters across the country. Learn about the number of Jewish students on campus at various colleges.
American Indian Higher Education Consortium
The Black Collegian
The College Fund/UNCF
Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities
Quality Education for Minorities
Resources for Diversity

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Links to College Newspapers

Yahoo!News - College and University Headlines

Yahoo! College News

College Radio Stations --Eastern United States

College Radio Stations -- Western United States

College Radio Broadcasts on the Internet
Links to College Newspapers
( )
Headlines on breaking news about college life plus links to hundreds of student newspapers.
News Link( )
Links to newspapers around the country including college papers.

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College Rankings

Colleges are very hard to rank because there are so many variables. College-bound students should not rely exclusively on numbered listings.
U.S. News and World Report
( )
US News and World Report rankings plus "Best Value" and "Most Efficient" college rankings.
College Rankings Bibliography
The following articles are intended to provide background information to help you understand some of the pitfalls of college rankings and to use ranking services in an appropriate manner.
College and University Rankings and Guides to Selecting a School
Chronicle of Higher Education--Admissions and Enrollment

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On-Line Application Sites

Peterson's Online Applications ( )
Complete one basic application that is officially accepted by more than 900 colleges. Personal portfolio created to help manage the application process. Send applications electronically within minutes or print your application and mail.

The Princeton Review Online Applications

Apply College Edge ( )
Apply on-line to the 181 "Common Application" Schools.
College Applications (
Links to Web pages of some collges that provide on-line applications, downloadable applications, or e-mail addresses for application inquiries.
College View Applications ( )
Download applications for many colleges.
Common Application ( )
Download the new version of the Common Application.