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EVHS Guidance Office

Eastview High School Guidance Office (952) 431-8914 


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Options & Alternatives to College

Time Out: Internships/Service/Work

Americorps  Full-time national service projects; earn a $4,725 voucher to pay college tuition.

Center for Interim Programs  Founded in 1980, with offices in Massachusetts, New Jersey and Colorado, Interim is a service that enables people to pursue structured alternatives to formal education or work by matching clients' interests with over 2,500 internships, volunteer positions, and apprenticeships worldwide.

Service Projects Worldwide

Time Out P.O. Box 503, Milton, MA 02186 (617) 698-8977

Outward Bound Challenging outdoor education programs which range in length from three weeks to a semester.

Dynamy  A Year-long program of internships in Worcester, MA with an option for college credits.

City Year  A national service organization for young adults ages 17-23 who are interested in full-time community service, leadership development, and civic engagement.

Accord Cultural Exchange  Au pair placements in Europe.

International Center University of Michigan

Action Without Borders  Action Without Borders is a global coalition of individuals and organizations working to build a world where all people can live free, dignified and productive lives.

People to People International  Arranges unpaid internships in London, Dublin, Moscow, Paris Prague and other foreign cities. (816) 531-4701


Habitat for Humanity  Volunteer to spend your summer providing public health services to our neighbors in Latin America. Young people from the US develop leadership skills and an understanding of other cultures while participating in this unique program.

Life Long Education Alternatives and Programs 
LEAPNow is a leading source for low-cost internships, volunteer positions, work 
exchanges, and experiential academic programs in 129 countries and the U.S. We have 20 years experience tailoring custom programs for people of all ages and 

GlobalQuest offers twelve-week semester programs in international
settings. The program was established in 1999 and initial semester
offerings are based in Thailand. As GlobalQuest grows, we will offer
semesters throughout the world. GlobalQuest is a 501(c)3 non-profit
educational organization.

Rotary Youth Exchange:  The Experience of a Lifetime
Every year approximately 7,000 students ages 15 to 19 go abroad under the auspices of the Rotary Youth Exchange program, either for the academic year or an extended period of time. The increased self awareness and global perspective that they derive from the experience would not be possible without the commitment of the many volunteer host families and the dedication of those
Rotarians who serve as Youth Exchange officers.

Thayer Academy Online

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Travel/Exchange Programs

United World Colleges
A two-year international school experience for students 16 to 19, offering the International Baccalaureate (IB) program with a curriculum equivalent to advanced grades 11 and 12.
American Field Studies Intercultural Programs (AFS)
AFS arranges exchanges for high school students in dozens of countries. 1-800-AFS-INFO
Study Abroad Experiential Programs
World Wide Classroom Library of International Programs
World Learning
Programs include School for International Training, World Issues Program, semesters abroad, and the Experiment in International Living.
Youth for Understanding
International exchange program. Live with a family and experience their country as a resident rather than a tourist.
There are a variety of programs which offer unique opportunities for personal growth and development in a variety of settings, as well as those designed for serious in-depth study.
Up with People (602) 327-7351 is a unique international organization which for 25 years has provided young men and women year-long opportunities for cross-cultural education, diverse community service, on-stage musical performance experience and extensive world travel.
Volunteer to spend your summer providing public health services to our neighbors in Latin America.Young people from the US develop leadership skills and an understanding of other cultures while participating in this unique program.

Summer Programs & Post-Graduate Year

Secondary Schools offering a Post-High School Graduate Year

1620 L. Street N.W.
Washington D.C. 20036
(202) 973-9700

Petersons Private College-Preparatory Schools

Summer Opportunities Search 
Search our database of summer camp, academic, and
travel programs. 

National Outdoor Leadership School

NOLS is not an adventure travel tour. NOLS is a wilderness education school offering expedition length courses in eight countries. The site includes course information, minimum impact techniques, wilderness first aid, and research reports.

St. Clare's Oxford - Enrichment Year Programme

The Enrichment year program is intended specifically for students who have completed secondary education and want to study in England before entering university, in Britain, or elsewhere; or for students who wish to take a break just before completing their high school or secondary school studies. phone: 44 865 52031


Field research expeditions around the world.

American Association of Overseas Studies

Program can be over a summer, a semester, a year or an entire degree

Argonne National Laboratory

Pre-College research participation during an eight-week program. Very selective.

National Audubon Society

Audubon Expedition Institute is an environmental program in various settings for the first 2 years and the last 2 years are spent as as a student at Lesley College.

School for Field Studies

Semester and Summer programs seek to make tomorrow's leaders more environmentally literate.

British American Educational Foundation Post-Graduate year at a British boarding school.

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