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Career Internet Resources

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America's Career InfoNet
This site will give information on wage trends, occupational availability trends, and job skills for any occupation.
Career Interests
(http://www.adm.uwaterloo.ca:80/infocecs/CRC/manual-home.html )
Online career-interest survey.
Career Mosaic
The most complete single location for information about jobs, internship, and career assessment.
Career Planning Process
(http://choose.bgsu.edu) Do a search for Career Services.
The Career Planning Process encourages users to gather information to help gain competencies, make decisions, set goals, and take action. Service of Bowling Green State University.
Career Resource
University of Deleware has developed a "Major Resource Kit" for 49 undergraduate programs. Includes entry-level job titles that UD graduates have attained, job descriptions, major employers for that field.
Career Resource Hompage
(http:/www.CareerResource.net.htm )
Super link to several commercial databases. Check out the CyberAlumni option to locate the names and e-mail addresses of professionals in your field of interest.
Career Web
(http://www.cweb.com/ )
Giant database of employers that includes a job-related self-assessment.
College Board Careers Page
Browse ExPAN and find out about careers and related majors, as well as take the interest inventory.
College Edge
Good information on college majors, careers, and internships.
College Major Decision
(http://www.upenn.edu/college/curriculum/major_factors.html )
From The University of Pennsylvania, this site provides a checklist of some key factors to consider when choosing an academic major.
Job Web
Good career planning information, including The Occupational Outlook Handbook at www.bls.gov/ocohome.htm
O*NET Online
Gain knowledge on careers regarding skills, work values, knowledge, work context, abilities, tasks, interests and work activities.
Peace Corps
Complete information about service in the Peace Corps.
Princeton Review's Career Page
Princeton Review's online database for information on humdreds of occupations.



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