
Everything you need for Ms. Geiselhart’s Physics Class!


Physics schedule by month:   What are we doing, what’s due, notes you missed, hints on homework,      

                                                             copies of assignments, dates of quizzes and tests, etc., etc., etc.

The Physics Q1-Q4 Equation Sheet

                                               These schedules should be accurate but what Mrs. G. says in class comes first.

September 2015

October 2015     

November 2015   

December 2015

January 2016

February 2016  

March 2016

April 2016    

May 2016  

June 2016

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 The Physics Q1-Q4 Equation Sheet

     These are all of the equations for the entire year of physics.  Very helpful!


  Web Sites


                        Log onto Moodle here: in progress, do not go to this, click on the month below and go to the date you were absent!







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