

Panama Canal Completed


Civil War Begins


Missouri Compromise


Jefferson elected president


Transcontinental Railroad Completed


First Power Plant Opens


Treaty of Paris formally ends War for Independence


Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo


Battle of New Orleans


Stock Market Crash


Declaration of Independence


Cotton gin invented


Reconstructions Ends


Spanish American War


Indian Removal Act


Constitutional convention begins


Stamp Act








This Henry Ford production technique helped make the auto. Affordable for millions

moving assembly line

How did the federal government financially support the transcontinental railroad?

land grants/mile

Completed in 1825, it linked the Great Lakes to the Atlantic

Erie Canal

Robert Fulton and Robert Livingston introduced the Clermont--what was it?

1st steamboat

Chicago grew because it was a hub for two major forms of transportation

railroad & ship

how did transportation changes in the antebellum era spark an agricultural revolution

market economy

where did the steamboat and railroad technology originate


What did the Pacific Railroad Act on 1862 do?

supported TCRR

Their successful flight at Kitty Hawk, New Jersey ushered in the era if flying

Wright Brothers

This Eisenhower era legislation improved automobile transportation in the US

Interstate Highway Act of 1956

The completion of this suspension bridge to Manhattan became a symbol of American ingenuity when it was completed in 1883

Brooklyn Bridge

These two innovations helped bring about the rise of commercial agriculture in the early 1800s

steamboats and canals

This nation sent the first human into space


What nation brought the horse to North America?


What year was the transcontinental railroad completed?


He flew solo across the Atlantic


This famous trail linked the Pacific Northwest with Independence MO

Oregon Trail

The Spanish introduction of this critter revolutionized transportation in North America.


Its completion in 1869 marked an important milestone in transportation history

transcontinental railroad

He popularized the automobile in America by lowing its cost through assembly line production


US railroad companies introduced this reform in the 1880s to improve scheduling

standard time zones







5 freedoms guaranteed in 1st amendment

speech, press, assembly, petition, religion

This term applies to shipping slaves from Africa to the Caribbean

Middle Passage

This 1798 Act allowed opponents of the President to be jailed.

Sedition Act

It prevented congress from formally receiving antislavery petitions

gag rule

This law permitted opponents of WW1 to be jailed

Espionage Act (Sedition Amendment)

This socialist presidential candidate was jailed for anti-war views


During the Civil War, this civil liberty was suspended, allowing jail without a hearing

writ of habeas corpus

This group of peaceful protesters was forcibly removed from the capital by Hoover admin

Bonus Marchers

Americans were angered when the British kidnapped accused deserters


She was widely criticized for advocating access to birth control


In 1844, 16 people were killed in these anti-Catholic riots

Bible Riots

This 1915 movie glorified the KKK

Birth of a Nation

Who did Attorney General Mitchell Palmer target in infamous raids?




Presidential Elections


Bill Clinton was the first Democrat since who to win back to back elections


This year marked the first transfer of power from 1 party to another


The first presidential election contested by two political parties


Who won the popular vote in the election of 1824


Douglas & Breckinridge were both democratic candidates in this year


He ran as a Populist and a Democrat in 1896

William Jennings Bryan

Who was John Adams' vice-president

Thomas Jefferson

Name the American Independence Party Candidate in 1968

George Wallace

His election in 1876 led to the ended of Reconstruction

Rutherford B. Hayes

He twice received over 900,000 votes running as a Socialist Candidate

Eugene V. Debs

Name the only President elected to non-consecutive terms


He twice defeated liberal Adlai Stevenson for the presidency


He won the presidency after the so-called corrupt bargain

JQ Adams

Name the 2 Whigs ever elected President (both were war heroes)

WH Harrison, Taylor

This Republican candidate won 33% of the popular vote in 1856

John C. Fremont



Causes of Wars


German u-boats sunk this ship, helping turn American opinion against Germany


His pamphlet, Common Sense, moved public opinion against King George

Thomas Paine

The British practice of forcing passengers of US ships into the service of the British Navy


The explosion aboard this ship gave imperialists a reason to go to war to free Cuba


Japanese aggression in China directly conflicted with this US economic policy

Open Door

An uprising led by these two native-American brothers was blamed on the British

Tecumseh & the Prophet

This President ordered troops into disputed territory in Texas


The US fought a nasty war to maintain control of this territory gained after the SA War


Radicals used this attack on Crispus Attucks and his associates to whip up anti-British sentiment

Boston Massacre

This congressional act infuriated free-soilers who believed it violated the Missouri Compromise

Kansas-Nebraska Act

This meeting resulted in Hitler's demands to the Sudetenland being met

Munich Conference

Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel increased sympathy for the abolitionist cause in the North

Uncle Tom's Cabin

This abolitionist caused irreparable damage between North and South by attempting to lead a rebellion

John Brown

These two American Wars were authorized by the UN security Council

Korea, Gulf War

The failure to hold elections in 1956 as agreed to at the Geneva Convention led to the rise of

Viet Cong

The yellow presses sensationalized accounts of this Spanish General's brutality enraged the public

General Weyler





Foreign Affairs (1776-1875)


This major land acquisition cost the united States $15 in 1803

Louisiana Purchase

This major battle on the war of 1812 was fought after the peace treaty had been accepted

New Orleans

This policy states that European powers should no longer interfere in W. Hemisphere

Monroe Doctrine

He was U.S. President During the War of 1812


He was victorious at the Battle of Tippecanoe

WH Harrison

In 1801 Jefferson sent the navy to fight a small war against these pirates

Barbary Pirates

How did Thomas Jefferson react to the neutrality violations during the Napoleonic Wars?

Embargo Act of 1807

This treaty returned borders to the way they were before the War of 1812


These 2 Shawnee brothers attempted to form an anti-US Indian alliance

Tecumseh & Prophet

As a result of the XYZ Affairs, Americans became outraged at this nation, nearly causing a war


This treaty between the US and Britain disarmed the Great Lakes

Rush-Bagot Treaty

What was the result of the Adams-Onis Treaty

US Acquired Florida

This forts defense of Baltimore during the war of 1812 inspired the Star Spangled Banner

Fort McHenry

This (1812) Battle saw Admiral Oliver Hazard Perry maintain control of Lake Erie

Battle of Put In Bay

What year was the peace of Paris signed, ending the War for American Independence


This Treaty ended the Mexican-American War


The 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty settled a border dispute involved what US state?


William Seward negotiated the purchase of this territory in 1867


In 1846, the US & Britain agreed to split this territory at the 49th parallel.


This Prussian helped the continental army train and mature

Frederich von Steuben

This founding father served as ambassador to France during the revolutionary war

Benjamin Franklin

This victory helped to encourage the French alliance with the USA

Battle of Saratoga

This British General was forced to surrender at Yorktown, ending the war








His presidency is known for his bitter struggle to kill the 2nd National Bank. 

A. Jackson

The Louisiana Purchase was a high note of his presidency. 

Thomas Jefferson.

The first Republican to be elected president


This War of 1812 Hero was the first Whig elected President.

William Henry Harrison

President who signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964


President during the Cuban Missile Crisis


World War II General who became President


The President who is known as the father of the Constitution


A Doctrine baring his name asserted US control over the Western Hemisphere:


The first father-son combination to be President

Adams, Quincy Adams

He asked for and got a Declaration of War against Mexico


He removed federal troops from the South, ending Reconstruction


Issued the Emancipation Proclamation


President who resigned from office due to Watergate


Civil War Union General who became President


He wrote the Declaration of Independence in 1776


Elected President 4 Times

 F. Roosevelt

Decided to drop the atomic bomb


Got the U.S. out of Vietnam


The New Deal


He called the USSR an Evil Empire


4 Presidents who have been assassinated

Lincoln, Kennedy, McKinley, Garfield

This president was often confined to a wheel chair


Presidency known for Whiskey Ring and Credit Mobilier scandals.


The last of the “Virginia Dynasty”.


Youngest President in US history.


Criticism of this Federalist President could land you in jail. 


Signed the Homestead Act and Pacific Railway Act.


President during the quasi-war with France.


His assassination helped prompt the passage of the Pendleton Act.


First president to be impeached, but he wasn’t removed from office.


Endorsed the pro-slavery Lecompton constitution.


Dealt forcefully with the Whiskey Rebellion.


President when secession began.


Hero of the Mexican War and 2nd Whig elected President.


President during War of 1812.


Hero of the Battle of New Orleans and champion of the “common man”.


Monroe’s Secretary of State.

Quincy Adams

Known for his “Square Deal” and jingoism.


Reluctantly asked for a Declaration of War against Spain.














Happened from 1861-1865

Civil War

Happened from 1950-1953

 Korean War

Happened from 1914-1919

World War I

Happened from 1945-1975

 Vietnam War

Happened in 1898

Spanish-American War

In the Vietnam War, the U.S. tried to defeat the South Vietnamese Communists.  What were they called

 Viet Cong.

The Civil War battle over control of the Mississippi


The allied invasion of Normandy France in 1944


What happened on December 7, 1941?

Pearl Harbor

Unrestricted submarine warfare by this nation brought the U.S. into WWI


What international agency authorized U.S. action during the Korean War


The U.S. gained territory in the South West as a result of this War


After this bloody Civil War battle, the South would never go on the offensive again


What did the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution do?

 authorized Johnson’s escalation.

Who were the Axis Powers of WWII

 Germany, Japan, and Italy

This alliance was crucial to the US victory in the War for Independence


These two Native American brothers provoked suspicions that Britain was supplying Indians with arms in 1812

Tecumseh & Prophet

The US annexation of this territory helped provoke the Mexican War


This post-treaty battle in 1815 was a rallying point for American nationalism

Battle of New Orleans

The Navigation Acts were a contributor to the causes of this war

War for Independence

This US President asked for a declaration of War in 1812


This Mexican General led the war against Texan independence

Santa Anna

He was commander of the United States army during the War for Independence








Social Movements


He is frequently associated with the consumer protection movement


The 1954 Supreme Court Decision which ruled that separate IS NOT equal.

 Brown vs. Board of Education.

The 1896 Decision that legalized segregation

 Plessy vs. Ferguson.

This movement was a response to the non-violent Civil Rights leadership

 Black Power Movement.

Famous leader of the Montgomery Bus Boycott


The Supreme Court decision which legalized abortion

 Roe v. Wade

The President who declared “war on poverty”


A system which segregated and degraded blacks after reconstruction

 Jim Crow

Her book, the feminine mystique, sparked the modern Women’s Movement.


The belief that government could solve many of the problems of the late 1800s through early 1900s through greater action.


This supreme court decision said that slaves were not people and therefore were not protected by legal rights

 Dred Scott

He broke the major league color barrier

Jackie Robinson

These Americans were interned during WWII


The right to vote


The period after the Civil War is called what?




Famous Americans


He first used the assembly line to mass produce automobiles


Inventor of the electric light bulb


Inventor of the telephone


She conducted the underground railroad

 Harriet Tubman

He used total war tactics to destroy the South during the Civil War


He was first to fly solo over the Atlantic


Former Senator and Vice President from Minnesota who lost the 68 election


Former slave who became a leading abolitionist

Frederic Douglas

President when the stock market crashed


He was fired as UN Commander during the Korean War


He first alerted President Roosevelt about the possibility of a nuclear bomb


A fictitious woman who helped win WWII by getting women to work in factories

Rosie the Riveter

Spanish American war hero who became President

T. Roosevelt

Leading Southern General during the Civil War


Senator from WI who falsely accused people of being Communists


She was a leader in improving human rights and wrote the UN declaration on Human Rights

E. Roosevelt



Key Terms






anti-immigrant sentiment


investigative journalists who exposed problems during the Progressive Era


The belief that the US has a divine right to expand its territory

Manifest Destiny

The illegal capture and execution of a person by a mob


A system of government in which states are loosely aligned


Northern Republican who moved South during Reconstruction

carpet bagger

A central American nation dominated by American business in the early 1900s

banana republic

the addition of new territory to an existing country


A period of conflict between the US and USSR in which the two tried to become the dominant world power

Cold War

A form reporting intended to entertain more than to accurately inform

Yellow Journalism

To avoid conflict by giving in to one’s demands


Prejudice or discrimination against Jews


A system of negotiating where people negotiate as a group to increase their power

 collective bargaining.

When one company dominates an industry and operates without serious competition


Hands-off approach to government and/or the economy


A policy designed to stop the spread of communism


A belief that women should be treated equally to men


A policy which banned the sale and manufacturing of alcohol


An age named for a thin layer of glitter over a cheap base

gilded age

A system in which farmers would rent land in exchange for a portion of their crop (sharecropping)


An organization which would politically control a city or state using unethical means is called what?

 political machine

Stronger nations attempting to create empires by dominating weaker nations. 


A relaxation in tensions


A belief that the US should steer clear of foreign affairs


A strong desire for national greatness--extreme patriotism


rebellious woman of the 20s






When did the United States become a nation?

 July 4, 1776

What ended the Great Depression?


What did the 19th amendment to the US constitution do in 1920?

 Women's suffrage

The name of the village that was slaughtered by US troops during the Vietnam War

 Mai Lai

Why did the Montgomery Bus Boycott end?

 Supreme Court

Name and describe the treaty that ended WWI


Who were the leaders of Cuba, the USA, and the USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis?


She encouraged women to do factory work during WWII

Rosie the Riveter

What was the forced removal of Cherokee Indians to OK often called

Trail of Tears

This scandal began with a bungled break-in at on office building


 Name 3 territories gained by the Spanish-American War

 Guam, Puerto Rico, Philippines

What are the 3 Rs of the New Deal? 

Relief, Reform, & Recovery

The Soviet invasion of this nation soured US-Soviet relations at the end of the Carter admin.


Give Reagan's position on taxes and defense spending




Inventions & Innovations


He invented the steel tipped plow

 John Deere

He invented the telegraph

Samuel Morss

He invented the mechanical reaper

Cyrus McCormick

The steam engine originated in what nation

Great Britain

He first used a system of interchangeable parts

Eli Whitney

This transportation milestone was completed in 1869

 transcontinental railroad

It connected the Great Lakes with the Hudson River in 1825

Erie Canal

Fulton and Livingston introduced the Clermont, what was it?






Political Parties


Alexander Hamilton was the leading economic policy maker for this party


Henry Clay defined this party's economic agenda through his American system


This party controlled the white house from 1861-1885.


The War of 1812 contributed to the elimination of this major party


What party did the National Republicans become?


This is the party of Van Buren, Polk, and Buchanan


Free-soilers and former Whigs made up this party


Would members of the Federalist Party be strict constructionists or loose constructionists?


Absorbed by the Democrats in 1896

Populist Party

Eugene Debs was their most famous presidential candidate

Socialist Party

Party dominated by nativism

Know-Nothing Party

This party ruled the Era of Good Feelings


This Party first gained the Presidency in 1860


Founded by Teddy Roosevelt

Progressive Party

From 1860-1913, they were only out of office for 8 years


Party founded to oppose Andrew Jackson






He received the same number of electoral votes as Jefferson in 1800


4 candidates received electoral votes in this election


Andrew Jackson got the most popular votes, but lost this election to John Quincy Adams


This founding father was defeated in his re-election bid in 1800


He was elected president the same year the Mexican War ended

Zachary Taylor

Name two of the three men to be elevated to the VP because of the death of a President between 1800 and 1870

 John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Andrew Johnson

He was defeated by Lincoln in the election of 1864

 George McClellan

His election in 1820 marked the height of the Era of Good Feelings






What year was the peace of Paris signed, ending the War for American Independence




This Treaty ended the War of 1812

Treaty of Ghent

This Treaty ended the Mexican-American War




What territory did Spain grant to the United States in the Adams-Onis Treaty of 1819




The Rush-Bagot Treaty demilitarized this area

Great Lakes

The 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty settled a border dispute involved what US state?




William Seward negotiated the purchase of this territory in 1867


In 1846, the US & Britain agreed to split this territory at the 49th parallel.




US Constitution


Who is considered the primary author of the constitution


How did the constitution determine the representation in the House of Rep. For slave states?

3/5 slaves + whites

What system of government is embraced in the Constitution

federal republic

People who opposed the adoption of the new constitution were called what?


Which constitutional amendment abolishes slavery?


Which constitutional amendment reserves powers to the states or the people?


According to the constitution, who specifically determines whether a president will be removed from office after impeachment?


How did the Great Compromise during the constitutional convention satisfy both large and small states?




Domestic Policy


He served as George Washington's Secretary of the Treasury and chief domestic advisor


Which region of the US typically opposed tariffs most vehemently?


During the Age of Jackson, farmers moved from a subsistence agriculture to what new system

commercial or market

Define nativism

 anti-immigrant sentiment

This Jackson policy cleared more land in the Southeast for white settlement

Indian Removal

This religious resurgence began in the 1790s (2nd Great Awakening)


What behavior was the target of the temperance movement


The Maysville Road veto signaled this president's position on federally funded internal improvements








Elvis Presley's appearance on this TV show in 1956 shocked many adults

Ed Sullivan









Ben Franklin's popular series--made him rich and famous

Poor Richard's Almanac

Jacob Riis' critical look at life in the slums

How the Other Half Lives

FJ Turner's argument that the US was losing something vital to our character

The Frontier in American History

Helen Hunt Jackson report critical of US policy toward Native Americans

A Century of Dishonor

An expose the horrors of the Chicago Meat Packing Industry

Upton Sinclair, the Jungle

She showed the environmental hazard of chemicals and fertilizers--specifically DDT

Rachel Carson, Silent Spring

This 1963 book argued that many women were unhappy with their assigned roles

Betty Friedan, Feminine Mystique

He argued for American Independence and against the logic of Monarchy

 Thomas Paine, Commons Sense.

He argued that the Townshend duties still constituted taxation without representation

 John Dickinson, Letters from a Pennsylvania Farmer

A criticism of auto safety standards published in 1965

 Ralph Nader, Unsafe at Any Speed

It aroused anti-slavery feelings in the North

Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom's Cabin

It was the newspaper for radical abolitionists

 William Lloyd Garrison, The Liberator

This book became a widely read staple of the Black Power movement

The autobiography of Malcolm X

She wrote it as the platform of the first women's rights convention at Seneca Falls if 1848

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Declaration of Sentiments



This 1962 work described the hidden poor in America

Michael Harrington, The Other America



Court Cases


This Warren court decision said that states must provide defense attorneys at the public's expense in felony trials

 Gideon vs. Wainwright

This 1973 ruling guaranteed a women's right to an abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy.

 Roe vs. Wade

In this 1883 decision, the Supreme Court invalidated the 1875 Civil Rights Act because it said that the 14th amendment only applied to discrimination perpetrated by the state.  

Civil Rights Cases

In this Marshall Court decision, the court found that states could not interfere with the charters of private corporations or in this case, a college

Dartmouth vs. Woodward.

In this decision, the court ruled that since slaves were property, slavery could not be restricted in the territories and therefore the MO compromise was unconstitutional

Dred Scott vs. Sandford

What political party did John Marshall associate with?


The Court ruled that only congress had the power to grant interstate steamboat monopolies

Gibbons vs. Ogden

This 1895 decision upheld the prison sentence of a labor leader and legalized the use of injunctions against labor unions

In Re Debs

This decision established the principle of judicial review

Marbury vs. Madison

This 1966 decision ruled that police officers must inform suspects of their rights at the time of arrest

Miranda vs. Arizona

He was the chief justice who issued the Dred Scott decision

Roger Taney

McCulloch vs. Maryland dealt with the constitutionality of what federal institution?

Second National Bank

United States Supreme Court held that Cherokee Indians were entitled to federal protection from the actions of state governments--Georgia and Jackson ignored the ruling

Worcester vs. Georgia

Permitted legal segregation by ruling that "separate but equal" was constitutional

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Upheld the Espionage Act & Sedition Amendment which restricted WW1 free speech

Schenck vs. United States

The constitutionality of the national bank was upheld in this landmark decision?

McCulloch vs. Maryland

This president ignored John Marshall's ruling in Worcester vs. Georgia
















Landmark Legislation


It authorized the federal government to push the five civilized tribes west of the Mississippi River

Indian Removal Act, 1830

It allowed citizens to settle, improve, and claim 160 acres of land

Homestead Act, 1862

It provided education and low-interest mortgagees available to WW2 veterans

GI Bill, 1944

It created a new central banking system for the US in 1913

Federal Reserve Act

It required many civil servants to take tests and forbade campaign contributions from federal workers

Pendleton Act

Passed under the Article of Confederation, it established the process by which states would enter the union.

Northwest Ordinance

This 1935 New Deal legislation attempted to reduce poverty for elderly Americans by guaranteeing them a federally funded pension

Social Security Act

This Great Society legislation banned discrimination in public accommodations and employment discrimination

Civil Rights Act of 1964

It created a federal court system

 Judiciary Act of 1789

Passed in 1914, it strengthened anti-trust laws

Clayton Antitrust Act

It divided the confederacy into five military districts and invalidated Johnson's reconstruction

Reconstruction Act of 1867





This man led a boycott against California grape growers on behalf of migrant workers

Cesar Chavez



Colonial America


In the end, how many people were put to death during the Salem Witch Trial (20)


What year was the Jamestown colony founded?


Poor Richard's Almanac made this American a celebrity

Benjamin Franklin

This intellectual movement celebrated human reason and science


This nation explored and settled the Great Lakes region and Mississippi & Ohio Valleys (France)


French explorers formed a profitable partnership with N. Americans around this commodity


This colony was formed by James Oglethorpe as a refuge for debtors


This was the only colony to try a ban on slavery


This English political uprising saw a Catholic King replaced by Protestant rulers

Glorious Revolution

George Whitefield was a preacher whose sermons symbolized this religious movement

Great Awakening

This 1662 agreement allowed Puritan children to become partial church members without public profession

half way covenant

This country established a trading post on Manhattan Island in 1624


This assembly became the first representative government in British North America (1619)

House of Burgesses

these people would work for a fixed period of time to pay for their passage (indentured servants)

indentured servants

Where was the first permanent English colony in North America?


In 1497 this European explorer claimed the mainland of North America for England

John Cabot

Who's philosophy included "he who works not, eats not"

John Smith

His sermon entitled "A Model of Christian Charity" envisioned New England as a City Upon A Hill

John Winthrop

In 1675, this Indian chief set our to exterminate whites in America

King Phillip/Metacomet

Name the English political philosopher who symbolized the enlightenment (Locke)


Who is George Calvert better known as (Lord Baltimore)

Lord Baltimore

The first proprietary colony (Maryland)


This document established the foundation for government by the consent of the governed for the pilgrims

Mayflower Compact

The British policy of governing its colonies to build up its gold reserves is known as


Early explorers originally encountered North America in Search of this route to Asia?

Northwest Passage

Is Maryland an example of a proprietary, charter, or royal colony


This group wanted the Church of England to abandon certain practices leftover from Catholicism


Roger Williams was the founder of which colony (Rhode Island)

Rhode Island

This first English colony in North America disappeared in the late 1500s


This Massachusetts dissident formed Rhode Island

Roger Williams

The British policy of minimal interference in colonial America

salutary neglect

Jacques Cartier explored this river, which led to French claims in interior N. America

St. Lawrence

This Slave Uprising in South Carolina in 1739 horrified white southerners

Stono Rebellion

In 1612 John Rolfe discovered that a superior strain of this cash crop could be grown in Virginia


Harvard College was founded in 1836 for what purpose?

train ministers





American Revolution


British debt from this war led to the taxing of the colonists

French & Indian

When & where were the first shots of the War for Independence fired

Lexington, 1775

Name Thomas Paine's 1776 pamphlet which urged immediate independence

Common Sense

Arms shipments from this country were vital to U.S. success during the war


This Prussian helped train American troops at Valley Forge

Frederick Von Steuben

In 1765 Parliament passed this law, directly taxing Americans for the first time

Stamp Act

What year was the Treaty of Paris, ending the war, signed


Sharp British reaction to this event resulted in the "Intolerable Acts"

Tea Party

On Christmas 1776, Washington defeated these mercenaries at Trenton


This British General was forced to surrender at the conclusive Battle of Yorktown


This Mass. lawyer defended the British troops accused of murder after the Boston Massacre

John Adams

This General's 1776 decision to stop pursuing Washington until spring proved a costly blunder

General Howe

This British customs ship was burned by angry Rhode Islanders


This set of laws and policies forced colonists to trade primarily with Britain

Navigation Acts

Name America's most famous Naval leader

John Paul Jones

synonym for loyalist


This year is usually considered the end of Sal. Neglect


this is the idea that all British subjects are rep. by parliament

virtual rep

another word for nonimportation


customs schooner burned y rebellious colonists


this was parliaments response to the tea party

Coercive Acts

this young French officer was critical to the rev

Marquis de Lafayette

This 1766 act asserted parliaments right to control the colonies

Declaratory Act

What was the purpose of the Continental Association, created by the 1st CC


The 2CC selected him as commander of the Continental Army


July 1775 petition that proclaimed loyalty and asked the King to negotiate an end to hostility

Olive Branch Petition

author of declaration of ind


exact date of Ind (formally adopted)

July 4, 1776

this famous son was the last royal governor of NJ and a loyalist

William Franklin

term: women are responsible for nurturing good citizens

republican motherhood

term: leaders should rise because of talent rather than being born into wealth

natural aristocracy

Burgoynes surrender in 1777 convinced the French that the US had a chance


He negotiated the treaty of alliance with France


These 2 nations entered the European war vs. Britain in 1779, joining France

Spain & Holland

The US suffered through hyperinflation in the early 1780s--what is it?

rapid devaluation of currency

"Oh God, It's Over, It's All Over"  North said after:


It formally ended the war in 1783, granting US independence

treaty of Paris

what affect did the War have on American manufacturing?


term: shared power between states and central


this law created the procedure by which territories could become states

Northwest ordinance of 1787

He led an uprising in Mass in 1786-1787

Daniel Shays

All states were at the con conv. Except this one-time home of Roger Williams

Rhode Island

Describe the "great compromise"


what were opponents of the const called


which 2 states produced the most revolutionary leaders?

Mass & Virginia

In 1783, Military officers formed this group--unpopular because its positions would be passed on

Society of Cincinnati

called "a master propagandist and  engineer of rebellion"

Sam Adams

every colony had established one of these for sharing info with other colonies by the mid 1770s

committees of correspondence

this group meeting was attended by 9 colonies in 1765 to coordinate action

Stamp Act Congress

this promise was key to getting NY and Virg to ratify the const.

Bill of Rights

term used by EV: a belief in human equality


What did the Tea Act do to the price of tea

lowered it

Primary authors of the federalist papers

Madison, Hamilton, Jay

Newspaper articles written to support ratification

Federalist Papers

Jefferson borrowed heavily from this philosophers work on natural rights

John Locke

these open ended search warrants angered colonists

writs of assistance

These secret societies were formed in every colony to protest the stamp act

Sons of Liberty

The British policy restricted western settlement of colonists

Proc of 1763

Which company lost 342 crates of tea in 1773

East Indian Company

what roles did spinning bees have in the American revolution












This Election saw the first peaceful transfer of power from one party to another


What year was the Democratic Republicans lock on Presidential Power broken


Why was Napoleon willing to sell the US Louisiana territory

$$ for war

How did the federal government respond to the Whiskey Rebellion?

12,900 man army

Who won the election of 1796


Of the first 7 U.S. Presidents, name all those who didn't serve two full terms

Adams & Quincy Adams

Name 2 prominent members of the Federalist Party

Adams, Hamilton

Using a system of interchangeable parts is known by what other name

American System of Man.

This President is known for his appeals to the common man

Andrew Jackson

He was the leading popular vote-getter in 1824

Andrew Jackson

In 1801 Jefferson sent the navy to fight a small war against these pirates

Barbary Pirates

This Battle saw Admiral Oliver Hazard Perry maintain control of Lake Erie

Battle of Put In Bay

These constitutional amendment were ratified in 1791

Bill of Rights

What happened to the USS Chesapeake in 1807

boarded by British navy

Name the steamboat that Livingston & Fulton introduced on the Hudson River


This important meeting was held in Philadelphia in 1787

Constitutional Convention

Under Jefferson, were taxes increased or decreased?


What political party did Thomas Jefferson lead?


The second American party system pitted these two political parties against each other

Democrats & Whigs

How did Thomas Jefferson react to the neutrality violations during the Napoleonic Wars?

Embargo Act of 1807

This 363 mile canal was America's 1st major canal project

Erie Canal

A system of shared power between state and national governments


Who benefited from Adam's midnight appointments?

Federalist judges

The first American part system pitted these two political parties against each other

Federalists & Republicans

Washington focused his attention on what kind of issues during his presidency

foreign affairs

This forts defense of Baltimore during the war of 1812 inspired the Star Spangled Banner

Fort McHenry

The XYZ Affairs caused relations with this nation to plummet


Who did the United States acquire Louisiana Territory from?


What is the significance of Lewis & Clark's expedition?

generated interest in the west

This treaty returned borders to the way they were before the War of 1812


This Supreme Court Decision voided state granted steamboat monopolies

Gibbons vs. Ogden

He issued the  "Report on Public Credit"


Who was Washington Secretary of the Treasury and chief advisor?


This man was appointed Secretary of State in what became known as the "corrupt bargain"

Henry Clay

This 1812 War Hawk became Speaker of the House

Henry Clay

He was Massachusetts first Secretary of Education

Horace Mann

Give 2 specific causes of the war of 1812

Impress, Indians

He anonymously published the South Carolina Exposition and Protest urging Nullification

John C. Calhoun

Who did John Adams appoint Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

John Marshall

What is the significance of the Marbury vs. Madison decision?

judicial review

These 2 explorers (sent by Jefferson in 1804)  stories of the West helped fuel western expansion

Lewis & Clark

Describe Jefferson's view of the federal government


This Mass. Factory gained fame by using girls and young women in their labor force


This major land acquisition cost the united States $15 in 1803

Louisiana Purchase

This man was the primary author of the US Constitution


He was U.S. President During the War of 1812


Who won the presidential election of 1808?


This policy states that European powers should no longer interfere in W. Hemisphere

Monroe Doctrine

How did George Washington react to war between Britain and France?


This major battle on the war of 1812 was fought after the peace treaty had been accepted

New Orleans

What is the significance of the Battle of Fallen Timbers?

opened Ohio to White settlement

What was Hamilton's view of national debt?


Who owned 80% of the First National Bank?

private investors

What was the Federalist Party's stance on industrialization?


He was the man behind the American Museum

PT Barnum

What was the most significant British concession in Jay's Treaty?

removal of British troops

This treaty between the US and Britain disarmed the Great Lakes

Rush-Bagot Treaty

Where was the first major women's rights convention held

Seneca Falls

This 1798 legislation made it illegal to criticize the President

Sedition Act

This 1786  rebellion was led by debt-burdened farmers of Western Massachusetts

Shay's Rebellion

What significant event occurred in the French colony of Saint Domingue in 1791

slave uprising

Give 2 reasons that Southerners tended to be pro-French

slaves, Indians

Citizens of the Southwest. US considered joining this nation for access to New Orleans and protection from Natives


What term refers to someone living on land that they do not hold the title to


Why did Jefferson hesitate before buying LA

strict constructionist

These 2 Shawnee brothers attempted to form an anti-US Indian alliance

Tecumseh & Prophet

What American political first happened in the Election of 1800?

transfer of power

What was the result of the Adams-Onis Treaty

US Acquired Florida

These political statements articulated the idea that states could nullify unconstitutional laws

Virginia & Kentucky Resolutions

After killing Hamilton, what did Aaron Burr try to do next?

western confederacy

Who did the Battle of Tippecanoe make a hero?

William Henry Harrison

Hamilton's tax program sparked this rebellion of 1794 in Penn. Which was put down by federal troops

Whiskey Rebellion

His cotton gin helped make cotton a major cash crop in the South


Name the publisher of the Liberator

William Lloyd Garrison

What 5 freedoms does the 1st amendment guarantee

speech, press, religion, assemble, & petition





Civil War


How many times was Lincoln elected President?


Who was the 54th of Massachusetts?

 1st Black Regiment

People who were in favor of banning slavery were called what?


Name the sight where the Lee surrendered to Grant?

 Appomattox  Court House

Sherman began his March to the Sea in which City?


This law angered northerners because it personally involved them in maintaining slavery

 Fugitive Slave Act

What State was Lincoln a US Representative from?


 The President of the Confederate States of America

 Jefferson Davis

The General who led the Confederate Army

 Robert E. Lee

The word that means to leave the union


This legislation finally abolished slavery in the US

13th amendment, 1865. 

What was Picket's Charge?

3rd Day of Gettysburg, failure

What is the difference between an abolitionist and a free-soiler?

Abolitionists wanted to abolish slavery.  Free-soilers wanted to stop its expansion.

What was the 1846 Wilmot Proviso?

an amendment that would prevent the extension of slavery in any territory gained from the Mexican War. 

The Civil War plan that called for the economic strangulation of the South


Name Abraham Lincoln’s running mate in the Election of 1864.

Andrew Johnson. 

General Sherman began his infamous March to the Sea in which city?

Atlanta, Georgia (1864). 

In 1836, congress imposed the gag rule.  What was its purpose?

automatically tabled anti-slavery petitions

What happened to Senator Charles Sumner in May 1856?

beaten on Senate floor

Slave states that remained loyal to the union were called

Border states

This technological innovation used a long piece of lead with a rounded tip


Fort Wagner was the key to capturing what city

Charleston, SC

What is conscription? 

Conscription is mandatory military service. 

How did Lincoln legally  justify fighting the Civil War

Constitutionally bound

This method of increasing the size of an army was used for the first time during the Civil War


This African-American who took his case for freedom to the Supreme Court

Dred Scott

Declaration that freed the slaves in the rebelling states

Emancipation Proclamation

He became the most famous and accomplished black abolitionist.

Frederick Douglass

Lincoln fired this General and eventually beat him in the Election of 1864.

George B. McClellan

This Battle marked the last major offensive of the Confederates


Name the author of Uncle Tom's Cabin

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Who was the President of the C.S.A.?

Jefferson Davis

In 1858, He attempted to lead a slave revolt by seizing the arsenal at Harper's Ferry Virginia

John Brown

Lincoln’s Assassin

John Wilkes Boothe

The state that first broke into widespread violence over the slavery question


How did the Mexican War contribute to tensions between North and South


What happened at Appomattox Court House in 1865?

Lee surrendered

This 1862 legislation authorized the union to print $150 million in “greenbacks.”

Legal Tender Act

Who won the 1860 presidential election?


Lincoln gained national fame in this series of public appearances.

Lincoln-Douglas debates.

Who won the first major battle of the war?


In 1831, he led a slave rebellion in Virginia which led to 55 whites being killed.

Nat Turner

 The worst draft riots of the Civil War occurred in this city in 1863.

New York City

What did George Fitzhugh argue in his book "Cannibals All"

Northern "wage slavery" was worse

In order to communicate, slaves used this form of simplified and grammatically “incorrect” English.


Bleeding Kansas proved this compromise method for dealing with slavery in the territories ineffective.

Popular sovereignty

This group controlled Reconstruction after Lincoln's assassination and Johnson's impeachment.

Radical Republicans

What political party was Lincoln the first person elected president from?

Republican Party.  (founded in 1854)

The Whig party was replaced by what anti-slavery political party in the 1850s


Where was the Southern capital located during the war?


What historical figure did Mathew Broderick play in Glory

Robert Gould Shaw

The Union General who used Total War to break the Southern will to fight


Which side fired the first shots of the Civil War at Fort Sumter?


This was the first state to secede from the union (1860)  and the site of Fort Sumter

South Carolina

What is a siege?

surround and starve

The battle was the bloodiest day of the war with over 24,000 casualties.

The Battle of Antietam (Sharpsburg)

This government institution was created during the Civil War to help raise revenue through taxation.

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS)

This legislation effectively repealed the Missouri Compromise by allowing slavery North of the 36th parallel.

The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854

President James Buchanan supported this pro-slavery constitution in Kansas, but congress wouldn’t accept it.

The Lecompton Constitution. 

What kind of warfare targets civilians and the economic infrastructure of the enemy

total warfare

 A Union captain boarded this British ship and captured emissaries James Mason and John Slidell in 1861, enraging the British.


The man who became Lincoln’s top General at the end of the war

Ulysses S. Grant

The 1852 novel that helped rally opposition to slavery

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

In 1854, William Walker led a filibustering expedition in central America.  What's filibustering?

unofficial military expedition.

What did the Ostend Manifesto advocate?

US acquisition of Cuba

General Grant used a siege to force the surrender of this strategically important river town.

Vicksburg, Mississippi (1863)

In 1831, he began to publish the abolitionist newspaper, The Liberator:

William Lloyd Garrison

This civil liberty was suspended during the Civil War.  It requires a hearing before a judge to justify the detention of a prisoner. 

Writ of habeas corpus. 

T/F  The Emancipation Proclamation freed all of the slaves


T/F  Lincoln was an abolitionist before the war




American West


In 1883, he started his Wild West show, which glorified frontier adventure.

 Buffalo Bill Cody

This Asian immigrant group provided much of the labor for the TCC


This 1862 act made 160 acres available to settlers

 Homestead Act

This war broke out in Minnesota in 1862

 Little Crow, Sioux uprising

Name 3 primary professions that western settlers had

 miners, ranchers, farmers

This organization, a precursor to the Populist Party, boasted a membership of 1.5 million in the 1870s.

 The Grange

What's an exoduster?

African American westerner escaping prejudice

This 1874 invention helped bring an end to the open range

barbed wire

The treaty of fort Laramie guaranteed the Sioux possession of this land forever

Black Hills

This 1874 Gold Discovery prompted a war between the US government and the Lakota Tribe

Black Hills

This General and all his men were wiped out in the Battle of Little Big Horn


This 1887 Act broke reservations into individual plots and sold the extra to settlers

Dawes Severalty Act

What’s open range and who would oppose it?

free grazing, farmers

This native-American leader led his tribe on an amazing retreat for 100s of miles

Chief Joseph

What happened at Wounded Knee?


What was the purpose of a cattle drive?

Move cattle to railroad

In this Supreme Court decision, the power of states to set maximum freight charges and to regulate grain elevators were affirmed

Munn vs. Illinois

In 1889, this territory was opened to settlement, prompting one of the last land rushes


What's a sooner?

Oklahoma cheater

In the late 1800s, US government native American policy was known as concentration.  Where were Indians concentrated


What group or business was the largest land owner in the West & why?


This transportation milestone was completed in 1869

Transcontinental Railroad

What was the name of Helen Hunt Jackson's 1881 critical report on US Indian policy?

Century of Dishonor

In 1890, the US Cavalry opened fire on sick and Tired Sioux Indians, killing over 150 at a camp on this creek.

Battle of Wounded Knee



Industrialization, Labor & Immigration


Millions of immigrants entered the US through this processing center in NY

 Ellis Island

Where did the new immigrants of the later 1800s primarily come from?

Southern and eastern Europe

The term that refers to an organized group of workers


The term that refers to negotiating as a group

collective bargaining

What is a worker who crosses the picket line called


The philosophy that advocates government ownership of industry


When 1 company controls an industry, it's called what?


The term that means hands-off government


What restrictions were placed on child labor in the mid-1800s


The term that advocated survival of the fittest in society and business

s. Darwinism

What is it called when several companies work together to set prices


He is credited for bringing the electric light bulb to market


He made a fortune in the Steel business and gave it away


He founded Standard Oil

John D. Rockefeller

A Golden Spike completed this national transportation milestone

Transcontinental railroad

It connected Brooklyn and Manhattan

Brooklyn Bridge

Edison's favorite invention-- it recorded sound


The expansion of this technology created jobs for thousands of immigrants including Joseph from Far & Away


Name the company that Alexander Graham Bell helped found

American Telephone & Telegraph

What was a neighborhood where a certain ethnic group lived called


In Far & Away, how did Shannon originally hope to finance her journey west and why was she unable to?


What is William Marcy Tweed known for?

New York political machine

Why did people vote for political machines?

Provided jobs and services

How did political machines make money?


What is a neighborhood or real estate covenant?


Define rural, suburban, urban


In 1882, the US passed its first IM rest. Act aimed at:


Most immigrant traveled to the US in this below-deck class


This terms means hands-off government


This national communication began in 1844


The Bessemer process made this material perfect for building—steel lighter, stronger

Steel (lighter & stronger)

He gave away $350M, but paid his workers little






Progressive Era


He was considered the first Progressive president

Teddy Roosevelt

A fire at this factory exposed unsafe working conditions

Triangle Shirtwaist

TEDDY ROOSEVELT ran as a candidate of what party in 1912

Progressive/Bull Moose

She led the birth control movement and helped found Planned Parenthood

Margaret Sanger

This voting method allows voters to directly decide whether a bill should be passed


What did the Payne-Aldrich Act of 1909 do?

set higher tariffs

Sinclair Lewis might be most responsible for the  passage of this act

Meat Inspection Act

What did the 18th amendment do?


For this reformer, it was vitally important that education not be the teaching of mere dead fact, but that the skills and knowledge which students learned be integrated fully into their lives as citizens and human beings

John Dewey

This constitutional amendment allowed for a federal income tax


This WI Governor and Senator was a leading progressive

Robert La Follette

He wrote the book "How the Other Half Lives" which exposed poverty in America

Jacob Riis

Ida Tarbel wrote an expose about this corporate giant

Standard Oil

Name the four constitutional amendments during the progressive era


This 1883 Act marked the beginning of Civil Service reform at the national level

Pendleton Act

This pacifist was the first women elected to the US congress

Jeannette Rankin

When he was fired as the head of the US Forest Service, TEDDY ROOSEVELT challenged Taft

Gifford Pinchot

Under Wilson, this agency was created to oversee the nations banking system

Federal Reserve Board





Age of Imperialism


This nickname was given to war-hungry expansionists


Sanford B. Dole led the push for US annexation of this island


These two giants of the newspaper world profited from war

Pulitzer & Hearst

sensational journalism more intended to sell papers than to print the truth is known as:

yellow journalism

This amendment undermined the Teller am. by placing conditions on American withdrawal:

Platt Amendment

critics of US empire building formed this organization

Anti-Imperialist League

US Secretary of State John Hay pursued this policy toward China

Open Door Policy

In 1900, foreign troops invaded Beijing for this reason

to put down the Boxer rebellion

Panama declared its independence from this nation in a revolution orchestrated by the US


William Gorgas overcame this major obstacle to building the Panama Canal


From 1898-1902, the US fought a war to maintain control of this nation


It was called the "Splendid Little War"

Spanish-American War

What year was the Spanish American War?


Who once said, "I shall welcome almost any war, for I think this country needs one?"


This author of  The Influence of Sea Power Upon History was a proponent of imperialism

 (Alfred Mahan)

Taft's foreign policy, designed to promote US commercial interests was known as

Dollar Diplomacy

Wilson refused to recognize the Huerta regime and sent troops to back a rival in:


this 1898 congressional amendment renounced any US intent to rule Cuba

Teller Amendment

The US acquired these three territories as a result of the Spanish-American War

Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico

Queen Liliuokalani was this nations last ruler before the US takeover


Which country did the U.S. fight the Spanish-American War against


Spanish control of this Caribbean nation helped spark the war


Who was US President during the Spanish-American War?


What really happened to the USS Maine according to historians?

 (on-board explosion)

TEDDY ROOSEVELT led his Rough Riders up this Hill to become a war hero

 (San Juan Hill)

This US admiral took out the entire Spanish fleet in the Philippines without losing a ship

 (George Dewey)

How long did the "splendid little war" last?

  3 months

Of the 5,000 American soldiers killed during the war, how many died in battle?

 A)  379, b) 1379, c)  3379

This Spanish General became known as the Butcher

 (Valeriano Weyler)

Threatened European expansion into this nation prompted the Roosevelt Corollary

Dominican Republic

TEDDY ROOSEVELT won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping to end this war

Russo-Japanese War

What was the purpose of TEDDY ROOSEVELT 1908 gentleman's agreement with Japan?

restrict immigration

The US occupied this nation for most of 1912-1933 to protect its investments


This Mexican bandit provoked a major show of US force

Pancho Villa







World War I


What event was the spark that ignited the conflict

assassination of Ferdinand

What year was the Archduke assassinated in


The dream of unifying the Slavic people of Eastern-Europe


The Zimmerman telegram proposed a German alliance with what nation?


This 1917 act required young men to register for the draft

Selective Service Act

This organization improved industrial efficiency and supplied the military

War Industries Board

Who were the 3 primary Central Powers

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire

Who were the 3 primary allied powers at the start of the war

France, Russia, Britain

What innovation primarily “froze the front” and caused a 3 year stalemate

machine gun

What kind of German warfare was a primary reason the US entered WWI


The sinking of this passenger ship turned public opinion against Germany


This nation quit fighting WWI after a revolution in 1917


What is the movement of African-Americans to northern factory jobs called

Great Migration

This episode at the end of the war caused the government to arrest people with "dangerous: opinions

Red Scare

What was Wilson’s peace proposal called?

14 Points

What four nations were the primary participants of the Versailles conference?

US, Britain, France, Italy

According to the Versailles Treaty, who was solely responsible for WWI?


What was the most important part of the treaty to Woodrow Wilson?

League of Nations

What was the outcome of the Versailles Treaty debate in the US Senate?


Pershing was the commander of the AEF--what is it

American Expeditionary Force

Who headed the Food Administration?

Herbert Hoover

What trend in warfare does the Red Baron symbolize?

air war

What was George Creel's contribution to the war effort?

Committee on Public Information

What is liberty cabbage better known as?


Wilson said "what I am opposed to is not their feeling, but their stupidity" about what group?


Name the first woman elected to the US congress

Jeanette Rankin

What did the Espionage Act of 1917 and the Sedition Amendment of 1918 do?

outlawed many forms of gov't criticism

How did the Supreme Court justify repression of civil liberties during WW1

"clear and present danger" existed

What was Wilson's 1916 re-election slogan?

"he Kept us out of war"

Wilson was the first democrat elected to 2 consecutive terms since who?

Andrew Jackson



Great Depression


The year the stock market crashed


This is the nickname for the day the market crashed

Black Thursday

Explain how a bank run occurs


What does buying on the margin mean?

borrow money

True or False—It was difficult to get loans in the 1920s


What happened to demand for good during the depression?


What are the 3Rs of the New Deal?

Relief, Reform, & Recovery

Shacks were nicknamed


What were the results of the Election of 1932

FDR beats Hoover

She was FDR's eyes and ears

Eleanor Roosevelt

It employed jobless youth in reforestation programs


It guaranteed bank deposits


Unanimously declared unconstitutional in 1935

National Recovery Administration

What did FDR try to pack?

Supreme Court

He promised to make every man a king

Huey Long

This union split off from the AFL to represent industrial workers

Congress of Industrial Organization



World War II


Name the two U.S. Presidents who served during World War II.

Franklin Roosevelt and Harry Truman

Who was Great Britain’s World War II Prime Minister.

Winston Churchill

Germany & Italy had fascist leaders during WWII.  Who are they?

 Adolph Hitler Germany and Benito Mussolini Italy

The Highest U.S. Military officer in Europe during WWII.

 Dwight Eisenhower

The highest U.S. Military officer in Asia during WWII.

Douglas MacArthur

The leader of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

Soviet Union Joseph Stalin

Even though Japan was officially ruled by an Emperor, its actual leadership came from what segment of society?

 its military

What month and year did Hitler and FDR die

 April 1945

Name the Emperor of Japan


The scientific leader of the Manhattan Project


The military general who headed the Manhattan Project

Leslie Groves

Harry Truman's Secretary of War

Henry Stimson

Who was Japanese Prime Minister when Pearl Harbor was attacked

Hideki Tojo

At this meeting, Britain and France appeased Hitler

 Munich Conference 1938.

The allied invasion of Normandy, France in 1944 is called what?


Where did the D-Day invasion occur?

Normandy France

This battle marked Germany’s last major stand against the allies.

The Battle of the Bulge

Japan attacked this region of Northern China in 1931


Hitler’s attack of this country sparked the beginning of WWII in Europe?

Poland 1939

Why is May 8, 1945 called VE Day?

Germany surrenders

The largest amphibious invasion in world history is D-Day.  What is amphibious?

 Sea & Land

Before attacking Italy and Germany directly, where did US soldiers fight?

 North Africa

What two islands were the site of bloody US victories in 1945?

Okinawa & Iwo Jima

What battle is considered the turning point of the US war with Japan

Midway, 1942

This Chinese city was the victim of widespread rape and murder by Japanese soldiers in 1937


Where is Pearl Harbor located?


Japan wanted to take over this Asian nation rich in oil & South of the Philippines.  What is it?

Indonesia/ Dutch East Indies

What happened at Dunkirk in 1940

British troops narrowly escape

What was the forced March of US war prisoners to camps in the northern Philippines called

Bataan Death March

Which two nations signed the infamous non-aggression Pact in 1939?


What year did Hitler become chancellor? 1933


Name the exact date of the Pearl Harbor attack?

Dec. 7, 1941

British forces narrowly escaped German invaders in this French town in 1940


The battle of Midway made naval history.  What was unique about it

navies never saw each other

Which two Japanese cities were atomically bombed?

Hiroshima & Nagasaki

During what month and year were the atomic bombs dropped on Japan?

August, 1945

Name the plane used to drop the first atomic bomb.

 The Enola Gay

What is the program in which the atomic bomb was developed called?

 Manhattan Project

This scientist informed President Roosevelt of the possibility of an atomic bomb in 1939.

 Albert Einstein

A political philosophy that values the nation or state above the individual.


Hatred of or prejudice against Jews


To keep peace by giving in to someone’s demands.


The common name for the National Socialist German Workers Party


A form of dictatorship in which the central government strives for total control over all aspects of life


A form of warfare in which a series of sudden attacks and mobile troops and equipment are used. Blitzkrieg

lightning war

The attempted extermination of an entire group of people through systematic murder.


Distributing goods in a limited amount, sometimes through the use of coupons.


Hitler wanted Lebensraum for Germany.  What is that?

living space

When World War II started, most Americans wanted to remain out of foreign events.  What is this feeling called?


What country was known as the "arsenal of democracy"


Extreme patriotism.  Belief in your nation’s superiority.


The German term for "the leader"

 Der Fuhrer

Who did Hitler blame the Reichstag [German parliament] fire on?


This Greek term for "destruction by fire" has now become synonymous with Hitler’s genocide


Name the three countries that made up the Axis Powers. 

Germany, Japan, and Italy

Name the three primary Allied Powers of WWII.  Great Britain, United States, U.S.S.R.

 Soviet Union

According to historians, Adolph Hitler made two major mistakes in 1941 that cost him the war.  What were they?


What two major nations entered the war in 1941


What side of the war was China on?


This nation controlled the East Indies present day Indonesia before Japan invaded


Even though Japan was officially ruled by an Emperor, its actual leadership came from what segment of society?

Its Military

This section of Western Germany was demilitarized by Versailles


What was the area which is today Vietnam, Cambodia, & Laos known as before WWII

French Indochina

Why was the US known as the arsenal of democracy?

huge manufacturer of war goods

Name the fictional character that represented the working woman during the war?

Rosie the Riveter

Explain how World War II ended the Great Depression

put people back to work

This American designed a 975 acre assembly plant to produce planes for the war

 Henry Ford

What happened to many Japanese-Americans during the war?

 Internment camps

Why did Mexican immigration increase during World War II?

agricultural labor needed

How did Hollywood help with the war effort?

propaganda--training films

What did the government urge women to do at the end of the war

give up their jobs & return home

What is it called when the government spends borrowed money?

deficit spending

This act supplied the British and Soviets with war supplies before Pearl Harbor


What does GI stand for?

 Government Issue

What did US soldiers drink 5Billion bottles of during WWII

Coca Cola

Pete Gray made history by playing major league baseball during the war.  Why was his career unique?

he had only 1 arm

What party did Hitler lead?


What term did Hitler use to describe his master race


Name three of Hitler’s main policies or beliefs

 anti-Semitism, re-arm, bread & work

What year did Adolph Hitler become Chancellor?


What was Hitler’s autobiography called?

 Mein Kampf

What was Hitler imprisoned for in 1923?

trying to overthrow the government

In 1940,  FDR traded 50 Naval Destroyers to Britain in exchange for what?

military bases

Before the US entered WW2 they occupied these 2 Atlantic nations so that Germany couldn’t

Greenland & Iceland

In August, 1941 FDR and Churchill condemned aggression, affirmed self-determination, and endorsed collective security and disarm armament.

 Atlantic Charter

This military office was created to coordinate the branches of the military

Joint Chiefs of Staff

This man left the Supreme Court to head the nation’s domestic war efforts

James F. Byrnes

What effect did WW2 have on the Middle Class

 shrank by 10%, stayed the same, doubled

Name 5 products that were rationed during WW2

Gasoline, sugar, butter, meat, coffee, and cheese

How did WW2 affect women’s fashion?

 shorter skirts

This agency was in charge of maintaining public support for the war

Office of War Information

This agency was in charge of fighting inflation during WW2

Office of Price Administration

This agency was established to coordinate the massive military production effort

the War Production Board

This 1944 landmark legislation provided low interest mortgages and free colleges tuition to veterans

Serviceman’s Readjustment Act, GI Bill

In 1941, FDR issued Executive Order 8802.  What did it do?

 prohibited discriminated employment discrimination in federal agencies and union doing war-related work.

There were 200,000 braceros in the US during WW2.  What’s a bracero?

 Temporary migrant workers

Mexican youths were targeted during these LA riots

 Zoot Suit riots

Much of Adolf Hitler's popularity stemmed from his opposition to this unpopular treaty




Cold War


The site of MacArthur's famous landing on Korea?


Based on Whitacker Chamber's testimony, he was accused of espionage and later convicted

Alger Hiss

These televised hearings led to the downfall of Joseph McCarthy in 1954

Army-McCarthy hearings

Name the failed CIA backed invasion of Cuba in 1961

Bay of Pigs

How did Truman confront the Soviet blockade of East Berlin in 1948?

Berlin airlift

It crumbled in 1989

Berlin Wall

What 2 important cold war events of 1949 scared Americans

bomb & China

This nation entered the war on behalf of North Korea


US Cold War policy summed up in one word


This era of relaxed relations is credited to Nixon and Kissinger


President when the Korean war ended


This eventual Communist came to power in Cuba 1959

Fidel Castro

According to the Yalta agreements, how should the political future of Europe be determined?

free elections

Name the 2 Eastern-most members of NATO

Greece & Turkey

In 1952 this weapon, many times more powerful than the atom bomb was tested

Hydrogen bomb

This Winston Churchill speech sounded the alarm of Cold War

Iron Curtain

This leader of the FBI was a ruthless anti-Communist (and Civil Rights violator)

J. Edgar Hoover

The WI Senator who started an anti-Communist Witch Hunt

Joe McCarthy

This US secretary of state announced a policy of massive retaliation

John Foster Dulles

In his influential long telegram, he outlined a strategy of containment in 1946


These two leaders of the USSR and USA were instrumental in avoiding nuclear war

Kennedy & Khrushchev

Who led the Communist Revolution of 1918 in Russia?


He was the commander of UN forces until being fired by Truman?


He led the Communist Revolution in China

Mao Zedong

This was a major US aid program for Western Europe after WWII

Marshal Plan

Who wrote the Communist Manifesto?


This mutual defense alliance was formed in 1949


How did the Korean War begin in 1950?

North Korea invaded South Korea

This document encouraged the US to triple its defense budget at the start of the Cold War


His crusade against Alger Hiss gave this young congressman national fame

Richard Nixon

This couple was executed in 1953 for giving atomic bomb secrets to the Soviets


Who did Alger Hiss work for during World War II

State Department

The USSR was considered a totalitarian dictatorship.  What does totalitarian mean?

total gov't control

President when the Cold War began


This US policy pledged aid to people resisting Communism

Truman Doctrine

This incident soured US-Soviet relations during Eisenhower's last year in office

U2 incident

This institution authorized the use of force in Korea


What did USSR stand for?

Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

An airlift was used to save this area from Communism in 1948

West Berlin

What caused the start of the Korean War?

North Korea invasion

What country was Joseph Stalin a leader of until his death in 1953?






In 1948, Truman ordered an end to segregation in this institution

armed forces

At this 1944 meeting, the IMF, GATT, and the World Bank were created

Bretton Woods

What were the primary benefits of the Servicemen's Readjustment Act

GI Bill

He headed the Progressive Party and was a liberal challenger to Truman in 1948

Henry Wallace

In 1948 the US recognized this independent Jewish state


Who was the leader of the United Mine Workers in the 1940s

John L. Lewis

When this Egyptian leader nationalized the Suez Canal, Britain, France & Israel attacked


He was elected VP in 1952 (Nixon)


This current US Senator was the Presidential candidate of the Dixiecrats in 1948

Strom Thurmond

This 1947 bill outlawed "closed shops" and allowed the President to call an 8-day cooling off periods


Which 4 countries occupied Germany at the end of WWII

US, USSR, UK, France

Name the 5 permanent members of the UN Security Council

USSR, US, Britain, France, China

At the start of the Cold War, Truman wanted to avoid another Munich.  What does this mean?

avoid appeasing an aggressor

This consumer good soared from a few thousand sales in the 1940s to being in half of all homes in 1953


This legislation offered college tuition and low interest loans to veterans

GI Bill

Between 1945 and 1960, what people could buy with their income rose 22%

real income

The census bureau bought one of these to help tally the 1950 census


This Dick Clark show was a big hit among teens in the 50s

 American Band Stand

This popular sitcom starred Lucile Ball

I Love Lucy

In 1955, the 2 largest unions in America merged—name them


What is William Levitt best known for?

suburb construction

What were sharply rising birth rates in the post war period better known as?

baby boom

What president signed the Interstate Highway Act


This method of consumer borrowing first emerged in the 50s

credit card

In 1954, these 2 words were added to the Pledge of Allegiance

 under God

He starred in the 1955 classic, Rebel Without a Cause

James Dean

This pediatrician became a best-selling author of books on parenting

Dr. Benjamin Spock

JD Salinger wrote this 1951 novel about a rebellious Holden Caulfield

Catcher in the Rye

This movie star once bragged that “I love to do things the censors won’t pass”

 Marilyn Monroe

He served as vice president from 1953-1961


The first artificial satellite was launched into orbit in 1957


What nation launched Sputnik


In 1958, this US agency was created in response to Sputnik


This band hit it big with Shake Rattle & Roll & Rock Around the Clock

B. Haley & Comets

From 1956-1958, he produced 14 consecutive million selling records


Ownership of this surged from a few thousand in 1946 to 90% in 1960


He was rookie of the year fro the Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947

Jackie Robinson

In this landmark 1954 SC decision, “separate facilities were declared inherently unequal”

Brown vs. Board

This future SC justice argued Brown’s case

Thurgood Marshall

This 26 year old Baptist minister became the spokesperson for the Mont. Bus Boycott


Between 1940 and 1960, the # of Americans that lived in these areas increased from 20% to 30%








A good showing in televised debates helped him defeat Richard Nixon in 1960


define détente

relaxation in tensions

define realpolitok

pragmatic politics

Describe the Pentagon Papers

documentary history of Vietnam

describe the Saturday night massacre

firing special prosecutors

He became Nixon's powerful Secretary of State


He became President when Nixon resigned in 1974


He was the powerful head of the FBI during the Nixon years

J. Edgar Hoover

How did Arab nations retaliate for US aid for Israel in the 1973 war

oil embargo

In 1972, Nixon became the first US president since Grant to visit this nation


Name Nixon's VP who left office after being charged with tax evasion and accepting bribes

Spiro Agnew

Name the 2 people Nixon defeated for the presidency in 68 & 72

Humphrey & McGovern

Name the 2 wash. Post reporters who helped uncover the Watergate scandal

Woodward & Bernstein

Name the newspaper that published the Pentagon Papers


Nixon appointed this conservative to replace Earl Warren as chief justice

Warren Burger

Nixon created this organization to discredit his opponents and to plug White House leaks


Salvador Allende came to power in this nation in 1970, but was overthrown with US help


The first one of these was held in April 1970 to promote environmental awareness

Earth Day

The term stagflation was coined to describe the economy of the 70s--what does it refers to

recession & inflation

The text describes this national leader as suspicious, angry, and paranoid


This new agency was created in 1970 to enforce environmental regulations


this sport became a key to improving US-Chinese relations

ping pong

What did CREEP stand for?

Committee to Re-elect the President

What proved to be the "smoking gun" evidence against Nixon?


What tactics did Nixon use to attack his opponents


what was Nixon's Huston plan?

major initiative to ruin radical groups

What was the Nixon Doctrine

US would no longer send its troops

What was the purpose of the Watergate break in?

bug the phones

Where did the Eagle land on July 21, 1969


A bomb destroyed a science building at this university campus in 1970


After the Cuban missile crisis the US and USSR agreed to install a hotline and to the LTBT

Limited Test Ban Treaty

By 1970, 12 million women were taking this pill

birth control

Constructed in 1961 to stem the escape from East Germany, it became symbolic of the Cold War

Berlin Wall

describe the 2 programs created by the Medical Care Act of 1965

Medicaid, Medicare

describe the deal that resolved the Cuban missile crisis

no invasion pledge

He was the USSR Premier during Kennedy's presidency


He won the governorship on California partly with a hard line against student demonstrators


His 1964 campaign slogan was "In your heart, you know he's right"


His 3rd party candidacy in 1968 was based on support for segregation and anti-radicalism

George Wallace

How did the US discover Soviet missile bases in Cuba?

U2 spy planes

In 1961, Kennedy created this organization of young American volunteers abroad

Peace Corps

In 1963 she published the Feminine Mystique

Betty Friedan

Name 3 characteristic of the counterculture

Sex, drugs, liberal,

Name Kennedy's VP


The text book called this former Harvard prof.  the high priest of LSD

Timothy Leary

Their manifesto pledged to "replace power rooted in possession with power rooted in love."


This 1969 New York Music festival is symbolic of the counterculture


This is the name for the failed CIA backed invasion of Cuba in 1961

Bay of Pigs

This party's political convention was marred by violence in Chicago in 1968


This presidential hopeful was assonated in 1968


This was the name of JFK's envisioned $100B aid package for Latin America

Alliance for Progress

What city was the Haight-Ashbury district in?

San Francisco

What did Kennedy call his legislative agenda and what were the results

New Frontier-mostly not passed

What did LBJ call his legislative agenda after his win in 1964

Great Society

What event made William Calley infamous?

My Lai

What is James Meredith's significance in the CR movement

integrated Ole Miss

What is the significance of the immigration Act of 1965?

ended discriminatory. quota system

What social problem did LBJ declare war on?


What was the topic of Michael Harrington's 1962 Book, The Other America


Who did Nixon defeat in the election of 1968






At this 1954 conference, it was decided to temporary split Vietnam in half


In this 1954 battle, France was defeated in Vietnam

Dien Bien Phu

Name 2 colleges where student protesters were killed in 1970

Kent State or Jackson State

Name the first president to send military advisors to Vietnam


Name the year that saw the greatest number of US troops in Vietnam and the highest number of deaths


The leader of South Vietnam until his assassination in 1963


The leader of the Vietnamese Independence Movement

Ho Chi Minh

The President drastically escalated US involvement in Vietnam


The theory that if one country fell to communism, many others would also topple

Domino theory

This attack turned US public opinion against the war

Tet Offensive

This ethnic group fled Laos after the US lost the Vietnam War


This former capitol of South Vietnam was renamed Ho Chi Minh City when the Communists took over


This hazardous herbicide was used to remove leaves from the jungle trees

Agent Orange

This is a term for people who oppose fighting on moral grounds

conscientious objector

This jelly-like substance burned uncontrollably when it was dropped from the air


This Nixon announcement prompted a new wave of protects in 1970

expanding to Cambodia

This resolution authorized Johnson to use force in Vietnam

Gulf of Tonkin

This village was the site of a massacre by US troops on Vietnamese civilians

My Lai

What 3 nations made up French Indochina

Vietnam, Lao, Cambodia

What country reasserted its claim on Vietnam after WWII


What phrase describes the difference between public statements by politicians and the truth about Vietnam

Credibility Gap

What was Nixon's plan to turn the war over to the South Vietnamese called?


What was the name of the South Vietnamese communist rebels

Viet Cong

What year did the US finally remove its last troops from Vietnam




Civil Rights/African-American History


A violent race riot rocked this LA neighborhood in 1965 (34 killed)


Define defacto segregation

segregation by fact rather than law

Describe the sit-in as a method of protest


He annoyed Hitler by winning 4 gold medals at the 1936 Olympics

Jesse Owens

He broke the major league baseball color barrier in 1947

Jackie Robinson

He changed his name from Cassius Clay after becoming a Muslim

Mohammad Ali

He gained national fame by becoming the leader of the bus boycott & SCLC


In 1948, this President ordered the desegregation of the armed forces


In 1966, this political party was formed and it called for Black Power

Black Panthers

In order to desegregate schools, this began in the late 1960s


MLK was influenced by the non-violent tactics of this Indian leader


Name the first AA Secretary of State


One of the founders of this group once said "power flows from the barrel of a gun)

Black Panthers

She' known as the Queen of Soul

Aretha Franklin

She sparked the Montgomery Bus Boycott by failing to give up her seat

Rosa Parks

The 1st A.A. to win the US Open, Australian open, and Wimbledon

Arthur Ashe

The NAACP was formed in 1909, what does NAACP stand for?

Nat. Assoc. for the Ad. Of Colored P.

This 1896 court decision was overturned by the Brown vs. Board of Ed.

Plessy vs. Ferguson

This Act authorized federal examiners to register Af.Am voters in the South

Voting Rights Act of 65

This author's autobiography became very influential after his assassination in 65

Malcolm X

This Birmingham, AL police chief arrested 900 children in 1962

Bull Connor

This Civil Rights leader was assassinated in 1968


This hair style was symbolic of the Black is Beautiful movement


This landmark legislation outlawed discrimination in public accommodations

CR Act of 64

This movement called on AfAm to build their own organizations and control their own communities

Black Power

This NAACP lawyer argued the Brown case and later became SC justice

Thurgood Marshall

This President's leadership was key to passing the Civil Rights act of 64


This song became symbolic of the early Civil Rights movement

We Shall Overcome

What did MLK refers to as a badge of honor?

being arrested for CR

What is a dashiki?

brightly colored African shirt

What is the Great Migration and what caused it?

movement to factory jobs in the north

What is the historical significance of James Meredith

1st Af. Am at Ole Miss

What was Malcolm X's last name until he replaced it?


What was the specific purpose of the 1963 March

pass Civil Rights Bill

While in jail, Malcolm X joined this religious group

Nation of Islam